[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the sustained development of the national economy and the improvement of people's living standards, people's demands on the quality of living environment have been raised. This promotes the city infrastructure construction unceasingly consummation, the city public space unceasingly increases. As a transportation hub, a commercial center and a gathering place for cultural activities, the square is a prominent node of the city. However, under the impact of globalization, some cities in China blindly follow the trend of "internationalization", resulting in a large number of lack of localization characteristics, cloned city square. These regrettable city squares can not only meet the spiritual level of the citizens of the pursuit of traditional cultural connotations, but also block the heritage of the city's historical context. As the living room of the city, the modern city square is an important part of the city landscape. The city square with local cultural characteristics can directly show the local historical context and characteristic landscape to the foreign tourists, but also let the local residents find the sense of belonging and pride to their hometown. Based on the above understanding, this paper first clarifies the research background and related concepts, and summarizes the functional types of the square and the corresponding local cultural requirements, and then gradually analyzes the local culture. Based on the above research, the author summarizes the concrete design ideas, design methods and space environment elements of the square with local cultural characteristics. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the development of modern urban square landscape in China, hoping to make its own contribution to the study of urban landscape.
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