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发布时间:2019-03-08 12:15
[Abstract]:With the development of landscape industry, the level of landscape design in various cities is uneven. The main problems existing at present are to copy the western landscape elements, model the scenery, lack of Chinese characteristics, and so on, resulting in a lot of landscape similarities and differences. There is no obvious local feature between cities. Nowadays, all fields respect the inheritance of traditional culture, which can be traced back to thousands of years. How to treat and use the tradition correctly from the modern point of view is the most thought-worthy problem. This paper tries to find a way to learn from the traditional literati ink painting from the angle of design, and carry on the landscape design research with the aid of the traditional culture. It is hoped that the study of this subject can make the Chinese ancient literati's "painting meaning" more embodied in the modern landscape design and enhance the local characteristics. Chinese landscape design circles always pay more attention to how to carry on the localization design research, in the understanding of the traditional art, also is carrying on the meaningful attempt continuously. However, the application of ink painting in modern landscape is still in the experimental stage. In this paper, through the study of ink painting meaning, from the "sense", "shape", "atmosphere" three aspects, to understand the unique artistic connotation of ink painting, and then combined with Wolfrin's formal analysis, from the perspective of form to grasp; Through the analysis of excellent design cases, this paper attempts to interpret the possibility of Chinese ink painting in modern landscape design from the perspective of landscape design. Finally, it is verified by its own design practice in order to benefit the modern landscape design.


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