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发布时间:2018-03-01 00:31

  本文关键词: 中国油画 民族性 发展 本土化 出处:《西北民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:油画自西方传入中国,形成中国绘画中的重要艺术形式,油画的民族性问题随之产生,占往今来,许许多多的中国油画家为这一课题进行了深入的探索与尝试,直至今日,油画民族性已经不是新鲜的课题,但画家们对它的探讨却一直还在继续。从早期的中国油画家刘海粟、林风眠、徐悲鸿等人开始,一直到现当代画家靳尚谊、陈丹青、忻东旺等,这些画家们都在不同的历史环境和人文背景下,对民族性理论进行了不断地完善和新的尝试。 民族性的问题是贯穿于社会发展的进程之中的,在不一样的时代背景下,对它的追求也不一样。在长期的艺术实践中,中国的油画家们也逐渐认识到,油画的“民族化”或“民族性”的主要体现不在形式,而在内容,在精神。这是在中国油画学者长期探索与尝试中得到的观点。如果光在形式上做文章,不在精神实质上下功夫,油画就谈不上有真正的“民族化”或“民族性”。所谓内容、精神,是由艺术家对所描绘现实的理解深度及其具有的民族文化艺术修养所决定的,这是属于艺术家的主体精神及人格力量范畴的东西。有社会责任感和民族文化自豪感,并且对民族文化艺术有研究和造诣的油画家笔下的创作,必然会有时代的烙印、个性的面貌,和民族的风采。 本文就是从油画的民族性这基本点出发,查看了大量的图书、网络资料,学习并了解中国的油画家们为民族性理论所做的贡献与成就,在学习的同时,也思考在当下对油画的学习实践中,这些民族性的理论怎样得到很好地传承和继续发展。
[Abstract]:Oil painting was introduced into China from the West, forming an important art form in Chinese painting, and the national character of oil painting came into being. Many Chinese oil painters have made a deep exploration and attempt for this subject up to now. The national character of oil paintings is no longer a new subject, but the painters' discussion of it has been going on. From the early Chinese oil painters Liu Haisu, Lin Fengmian, Xu Beihong, and so on, to the modern and contemporary painters Jin Shangyi, Chen Danqing, Xin Dongwang and so on, these painters in the different historical environment and the humanities background, has carried on the unceasingly consummation and the new attempt to the nationality theory. The question of nationality runs through the process of social development, and in the context of different times, the pursuit of it is also different. In long-term artistic practice, Chinese oil painters have come to realize that. The main manifestation of "nationalization" or "nationality" of oil painting is not in form, but in content and spirit. Without spiritual efforts in essence, there is no real "nationalization" or "nationality" in oil painting. The so-called content and spirit are determined by the depth of understanding of the reality described by the artist and his national cultural and artistic accomplishment. This is something that belongs to the subject spirit and personality power of the artist. Oil painters who have a sense of social responsibility and national cultural pride, and who have research and attainments in national culture and art, are bound to have a brand of the times. The face of personality and the style of the nation. Starting from the basic point of the nationality of oil painting, this paper has examined a large number of books, online materials, and learned and understood the contributions and achievements made by Chinese oil painters to the theory of nationality, while studying at the same time. Also thinking about how to inherit and continue to develop the theory of nationality in the present study and practice of oil painting.


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