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发布时间:2018-03-01 01:23

  本文关键词: 天津近代文化 中国画 精研古法 中西合璧 出处:《南开大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:与天津在中国近代史上的独特地位相关,近代天津独特的文化风气也孕育了一批以“精研古法、博采新知”作为自己艺术追求的国画名家。在当今画坛,他们的影响力正与日俱增,但是对其深入系统的研究却一直处于相对沉寂的状态。本文拟对这些画家群体与众不同的艺术探索和风格特点进行细致解读,以彰显其独特的价值和意义,以期有裨于中国画未来发展道路的思考。 天津居运河之会,.携漕盐之利,自古即受南北多元文化之沾溉。1860年开辟通商口岸以来,西方文化汹涌而至,遂造成近代天津中西合璧、古今交融的独特文化氛围。在此氛围之中,天津近代绘画不仅恢复了写生传统,而且形成了两种不同的发展道路。其一是继承中国绘画传统功力,重视师法造化,同时吸收西方绘画的写实主义、视觉经验以及对自身所处人文环境的关注,在顺应艺术潮流的发展过程中开拓了中国画新的表现方式。其二是以继承中国传统绘画精髓为宗旨,通过对传统绘画进行深入研究和独到解读,力图突破前人而自成面目,最终找到与自身特点相结合的绘画方式。其中,张兆祥、刘奎龄、刘子久、陈少梅等人便是筚路蓝缕并卓然成家的先行者,他们代表了一个时代天津画家的梦想和审美追求。 长久以来,天津近代画家群体的绘画作品并没有受到应有的重视和被世人所熟知,但他们的绘画作品终将证明,寂静之道中艺术家凝神静气的精神内涵。著名画家潘天寿先生曾说过:“大自然中到处充满诗意画意,不过是有待慧眼慧心人随意拾取罢了。”在当今画坛我们需要创造者,更需要发现者的慧眼,天津近代画家群体代表着津门绘画从青涩走向成熟的中流砥柱,他们的艺术终将恒久的展现于中国美术史。
[Abstract]:Associated with the special status of Tianjin in China in modern history, modern Tianjin's unique cultural atmosphere also gave birth to a number of "fine ancient research method, collecting new knowledge" as their own artistic pursuit of famous paintings. In the contemporary art world, their influence is the thorough system grow with each passing day, but the research has been in a relatively quiet state. This paper intends to explore the art style and features of these artists are out of the ordinary detailed interpretation, to show its unique value and significance, in order to guide the thinking of the future development path China painting.
In the Tianjin canal, carrying salt Lee. Cao, since that is by the strong multicultural.1860 open trading port, western culture was raging, resulting in modern Tianjin Chinese and Western, unique cultural atmosphere. This blend of ancient and modern atmosphere, Tianjin modern painting not only restored the traditional painting, and formed two a different path of development. One is the inheritance China traditional painting skill, pay attention to the nature, while absorbing western painting realism, visual experience and focus on the human environment for itself, in response to the wave of art flow in the process of the development of open style China painting new. The second is to inherit the essence of traditional painting Chinese the purpose, through in-depth research and unique interpretation of traditional painting, trying to break the previous its appearance, finally found combined with their own characteristics of the painting style. Among them, Zhang Zhao Cheung, Liu Kuiling, Liu Zijiu, Chen Shaomei et al is arduous and the forerunner of Zoran Chengjia, they represent an era of Tianjin painter dreams and aesthetic pursuit.
For a long time, Tianjin modern artists painting has not received due attention and known to the world, but their paintings will eventually prove that silence in artist brings peace spirit connotation. The famous painter Mr. Pan Tianshou once said: "nature is full of poetic flavor, but is to be wise people pick up eye nothing." in the contemporary art world we need a creator, and need to find out an eye, Tianjin artists in modern times represents Tianjin painting from the mainstay mature, their art will forever Chinese show in the history of art.



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