本文选题:传统 + 风景 ; 参考:《中国美术学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:老勃鲁盖尔(Pieter Bruegel the Elder,1527-1569)是16世纪尼德兰十分重要的画家,他的绘画曾令权贵趋之若鹜,也是后辈画家竞相学习模仿的对象。老勃鲁盖尔的短暂一生既经历了安特卫普艺术的繁荣,又遭遇了尼德兰时局的动荡,并在“花”一般的年华猝然逝去。由于当时有关他的文献记载匮乏使得后人对他个人和作品的认识、猜测越发显得扑朔迷离:因为他的作品大多反映尼德兰淳朴的农民生活,故画家一度被冠以“农民画家”的称号……其实不然,经过数代热爱老勃鲁盖尔绘画的艺术史家的努力,让我们得以真正地认识他——一位将自己藏于质朴、幽默表象下的智者,他用绘画传达着对世人无限的关爱。 艺术史家们的丰富研究成果开拓了我的视野,尤其是美国艺术史家沃尔特·吉布森(Walter S. Gibson,1932-)的相关研究,使我从对老勃鲁盖尔的画面单纯的喜爱,转向对他的生活、绘画更为广泛、深入的探究。然而艺术史家们的研究或是基于老勃鲁盖尔的绘画生涯的整理;或是对其绘画中某一特定题材的关注,在此基础上对于老勃鲁盖尔绘画风格与形成的探讨和探寻鲜有所见。这给我对于老勃鲁盖尔绘画的研究提供了空间。于是我有幸“站在巨人的肩膀上”谈谈自己对于老勃鲁盖尔的绘画的认识。论文中,我将从老勃鲁盖尔的绘画语言与主题入手,从画家对于北方绘画传统的继承与其画面中的人文主义谈起,通过与前辈或是同时代艺术家的比较,探寻老勃鲁盖尔独特绘画风格形成的原因。其中,我认为最为关键的因素是:尼德兰绘画的传统、16世纪意大利绘画的影响、人文主义对于画家关注点的影响、16世纪安特卫普繁荣的艺术市场以及画家本身对于世事的态度。此外,雕版画是老勃鲁盖尔艺术中不容忽视的组成部分,15世纪末印刷术在欧洲的出现与普及,使得版画在绘画作品的传播中扮演重要角色。我想无论老勃鲁盖尔是出于生计还是其他目的参与进这项当时十分流行的艺术形式的创作,但保存下来的雕版画使我们得以从另一面接近画家,探寻木板油画与雕版画之间的关系。
[Abstract]:Pieter Bruegel the Eldern 1527-1569 was a very important painter in the 16th century. Old Brugail's short life experienced both the prosperity of Antwerp art and the turbulence of Niederland, and suddenly passed away in the "flower" general years. The lack of documentation about him at the time made it even more confusing to speculate about his personal and works: because most of his works reflected the simple peasant life of Niederland. Therefore, the painter was once called "Peasant painter" title. In fact, through the efforts of generations of art historians who love old Bruegel's paintings, we can truly know him, a wise man who hides himself in plain, humorous appearance, who conveys infinite love for the world with his paintings. The rich work of art historians has broadened my horizons, especially the research by the American art historian Walter S. Gibson 1932 -, which has shifted me from a simple fondness for the painting of old Brugail to a life for him. Painting more extensive, in-depth exploration. However, the research of art historians is either based on the arrangement of old Brugail's painting career, or on a particular subject matter in his paintings. On this basis, there is little discussion and exploration on the painting style and formation of old Brugail. This gives me space to study old Brugail's paintings. So I had the privilege of "standing on the shoulders of giants" to talk about my understanding of old Brugail's paintings. In the thesis, I will start with the painting language and theme of old Brugail, and discuss the inheritance of painting tradition in the north and humanism in the painting of the painter, through the comparison with his predecessors or contemporary artists. To explore the reasons for the formation of old Brugail's unique painting style. Among them, I think the most key factors are: the influence of the traditional painting of Niederland and the Italian painting of the 16th century, the influence of humanism on the painter's concern, the prosperous art market of Antwerp in the 16th century and the artist's own attitude towards the world. In addition, engraving is an important part of Old Brugail's art. The emergence and popularization of printing in Europe at the end of the 15th century make the printing play an important role in the spread of painting. I think whether old Brugail was involved in the creation of this very popular form of art for his livelihood or otherwise, the engraving that was preserved allowed us to approach the painter from the other side. Explore the relationship between plank oil painting and engraving.
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4 Q觅哺,