本文选题:中西绘画比较 + 融合 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the observation of the development and trend of the field of "comparison of Chinese and Western painting", this paper makes an exploratory study and reflection on the development of Chinese painting. The comparison between Chinese and Western painting has its own particularity. It only appears in China and forms the scale, but there are no related monographs abroad. So I think this subject is more to guide the development of Chinese painting. This paper intends to clarify the origin, development and trend of the research field of "comparison of Chinese and Western painting", and to the two poles of the development of Chinese painting: Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian's theory of fusion between China and the West, represented by Lin Fengmian, and the independent theory of the distance between China and the West, represented by Pan Tianshou, are compared with the laws of the development of Chinese and Western painting and the periodic combing and summing up of the fusion and conflict of painting culture. According to the conclusion and the author's professional background, several related monographs related to the comparison between Chinese and Western paintings are classified, and the present situation of the research on the subject of "the comparison of Chinese and Western painting" is expounded in the course of analyzing and studying them. Using the research results of modernization transformation of Chinese fine arts, we speculate where the subject of "comparison of Chinese and Western painting" will go in the future. The hope can help to clarify the future development direction of Chinese traditional painting, help us to explore how to maintain the "free state" of artistic creation, how to absorb foreign culture on the basis of keeping tradition, and make a breakthrough. After all, the comparison between Chinese and Western painting is more for the development of Chinese painting to serve. Willing to play a certain role in promoting the development and practice of Chinese painting.
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