[Abstract]:The great Russian critical realism painter Lepin has great influence in the new Chinese art circle. The Chinese artists' research on the Lepin is mainly from the critical aspect of his painting creation to expound his painting. This article explains some ideological factors in Lebin's works from the cultural origin of the whole Russian nation. The article introduces the origin of the Russian nation and its pluralistic national cultural elements, so as to analyze the national beliefs and national spirit of the whole Russian nation. Discussing the influence of this kind of national spirit with strong religious beliefs on the entire Russian intellectual class, Then it is inferred that the humanistic concern and strong social responsibility of the critical realism painters towards the people also have the influence of religious belief. This paper further reveals that as a great critical realism painter of the Russian nation, the creative thought of conscience and responsibility in his works is formed under the influence of the atmosphere of religious belief. The supporting point of his works is the Orthodox faith as the whole body of Russian culture.
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