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发布时间:2018-08-11 10:31
【摘要】:艺术人类学基于人类学学科理论、立场和方法对艺术活动进行分析和研究。这一研究范式是对传统艺术史研究方法的重要补充。在人类学研究者的介入下,艺术不再被视为单纯的物品,而是一个与社会、文化进行互动的生产过程。 本文选取安多新画派的重要代表人物——青海化隆唐卡画家东智才旦为田野对象,尝试从其成长背景和艺术历程出发,探讨画家如何从传统唐卡的规范化、程式化向现代主义艺术的观念转变,关注在这一转变过程中个体画家如何处理绘画的“传承”与“创新”关系,以及时代如何塑造和影响个体画家等问题。 在研究方法与研究视角上,作者主要采用人类学田野调查的方法获取本研究所需的基础资料,以完成民族志的书写。而在对东智才旦艺术作品进行分析时,则以传统艺术史研究所惯用的风格、形式分析法为主。两种研究方法的结合,使本文作者获得了全新的、多维度的研究视角,且更加全面而深入地进入到研究过程之中。 本文由绪论、正文五大章:节以及结论组成。 绪论对本论题研究的可行性(研究对象、选题意义、研究方法以及国内外研究现状)进行了分析。第一章从安多地区的地理历史背景出发,论及现代藏族绘画的状貌以及安多新画派的兴起。第二、三章将笔触落在东智才旦本身,以口述史的方式呈现东智才旦的成长情况与从艺经历。第四、五章关注到东智才旦的艺术作品。通过对其绘画艺术语言和艺术观念的分析,展现其对传统藏族艺术与现代藏族绘画的态度。并以东智才旦艺术的流通方向为例,讨论了现存的艺术赞助人与民间画师合作的新型艺术赞助关系。 通过以上论述,本文初步得出以下结论:安多地区以其独特的地理环境和厚重的历史文化孕育了一大批具有革新精神的人才。生长在安多藏区的东智才旦,在绘画观念和技法上突破传统、力求创新,代表了未来藏族绘画艺术发展的方向。东智才旦的艺术成就和艺术贡献将会影响更多的藏族画家,成为未来藏族画坛股不容小觑的力量。
[Abstract]:Art anthropology is based on anthropology theory, standpoint and method to analyze and study artistic activities. This research paradigm is an important supplement to the traditional art history research methods. With the intervention of anthropology researchers, art is no longer regarded as a simple object, but a productive process that interacts with society and culture. This paper selects Dong Zhicaidan, an important representative figure of Ando New School, as the object of the field, tries to discuss how to standardize the traditional Tangka from the perspective of his growing background and art process. The concept of stylization to modernism art has been changed, and attention has been paid to how individual painters deal with the relationship between "inheritance" and "innovation" in painting, and how the times shape and influence individual painters. In terms of research methods and perspectives, the author mainly uses the anthropological field survey method to obtain the basic information needed in this study, in order to complete the writing of ethnography. In the analysis of Dong Zhi-dan 's works of art, the traditional style and formal analysis method of the Institute of Art History are mainly used. The combination of the two research methods makes the author obtain a new, multi-dimensional research perspective, and enter the research process more comprehensively and deeply. This paper is composed of introduction, five chapters: section and conclusion. The preface analyzes the feasibility of this thesis (the research object, the significance of the topic, the research methods and the current research situation at home and abroad). The first chapter discusses the features of modern Tibetan paintings and the rise of Ando New School from the geographical and historical background of Ando. Secondly, the third chapter presents the growth and artistic experience of Dong Zhi-dan in the way of oral history. The fourth and fifth chapters focus on Dong Zhi Dan's works of art. Through the analysis of his artistic language and concept of painting, it shows his attitude towards traditional Tibetan art and modern Tibetan painting. As an example, the relationship between the existing art patrons and folk painters is discussed. Based on the above discussion, this paper draws the following conclusions: Ando region has given birth to a large number of innovative talents with its unique geographical environment and heavy historical culture. Growing up in Ando Tibetan area, Dong Zhi-dan breaks through tradition in painting idea and technique, and strives to innovate, which represents the direction of Tibetan painting art development in the future. Tung's artistic achievements and contributions will affect more Tibetan painters and become a force to be reckoned with in the Tibetan painting world in the future.


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