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发布时间:2018-08-11 20:30
【摘要】:传统画学思想认为,“意”是中国画的根本,在创作和表现中处于主导地位。从大的方面说,“意”内涵丰富,从中国的传统文化、哲学以及宗教等,到华夏民族的精、气、神;从小的方面说,“意”是画家心境、感情、品德以及内在气质的体现。古代画家十分重视培养“胸中逸气”,文人画家追求的不仅仅是画内功夫,更看重画外功夫,即对自身的文化修养。在传统美学中,各门各派对“意”的涵义各有所论。绘画理论中的“写”多为抒写、抒发之意,可理解为一种倾吐内心、表达情感的方式。在画论中最先提到“意”的,是南朝宗炳“夫理绝于中古之上者,可意求于千载之下”。①这里的“意”是指主观心境、意识,不属于绘画范畴。东晋顾恺之的“迁想妙得”,也是“意”。张彦远提出“意在笔先,画尽意在”、“书画之艺,皆须意气而成”②,这里的“意”是指情趣、心意、激情。唐人提出的“外师造化,中得心源”等论断,归纳起来也即一个“意”字。“意”是画家主观与客观物我交融的统一;同时也是画家表达精神本质的想象过程。探寻并表达这种“意”,是历代画家创作的出发点和落脚点。作品的“意”,成为大多数中国画家的寻求目标;对书画作品中“意”的评价,也成为一幅画好坏的重要标准。“意”高于作品的“形”、“色”、“技法”等所有的绘画语言之上几乎所有的中国画家都在寻求“象有尽而意无穷”的境地。写意性是中国工笔人物画的创作传统中的精华,是工笔画的本质属性之一,这一属性在画面中处于主导地位。 本文针对工笔人物画的写意性进行研究,探讨其在工笔人物画中的体现与运用,强调精神性与现实性并重,发扬形神兼备的传统,通过绘画语言的创新来表达东方人的独特审美观念,形成的具有时代气息的物我统一的美妙意境,使工笔人物画获得新生。在当代的艺术创作实践中,工笔画家应不断更新思想观念,以独特的眼光发掘当代人的审美思想与情怀,继承传统,开拓创新,中西相融,工写相宜,积极踊跃地进行研究与创作,广泛借鉴和吸收外来艺术养分,让中国工笔画这一奇特的绘画表现形式创造出更多的优秀作品,从而促使工笔人物画在新时代的成长。
[Abstract]:The traditional painting thought thinks that "meaning" is the foundation of Chinese painting and plays a leading role in its creation and expression. In a big way, "meaning" has rich connotation, from Chinese traditional culture, philosophy and religion to the spirit, spirit and spirit of the Chinese nation; in a small way, "meaning" is the painter's mood, emotion, moral character and internal temperament. Nowadays, ancient painters attach great importance to the cultivation of "ease in the mind". Literati painters pursue not only inner-painting skills, but also outer-painting skills, that is, their own cultural accomplishment. In the painting theory, the first mention of "meaning" was Zong Bing's "Fu Li is superior to the Middle Ages and can be desirable under a thousand years". The "meaning" here refers to the subjective mood, consciousness, and does not belong to the category of painting. "The art of painting and calligraphy, all must be composed of the spirit". The "meaning" here refers to the interest, the mind, the passion. Tang people put forward the "outside teacher, the source of the heart" and other assertions, summed up is also a "meaning". The "meaning" is the painter's subjective and objective unity of things and I; but also the artist to express the essence of the spirit of the imagination process. And expressing this "meaning" is the starting point and the foothold of all the painters in the past dynasties. Almost all Chinese painters are seeking the situation of "endless imagery and endless meaning". Freehand brushwork is the essence of the creative tradition of Chinese meticulous figure painting, is one of the essential attributes of meticulous brushwork, which is in the dominant position in the picture.
This paper studies the freehand brushwork of meticulous figure painting, discusses its expression and application in meticulous figure painting, emphasizes both spirituality and reality, carries forward the tradition of both body and spirit, expresses the Oriental unique aesthetic concept through the innovation of painting language, and forms a beautiful artistic conception of the unity of material and self with the flavor of the times, so as to make meticulous brushwork. In the practice of contemporary artistic creation, meticulous painters should constantly renew their ideological concepts, explore contemporary people's aesthetic thoughts and feelings with a unique vision, inherit traditions, develop and innovate, blend Chinese and Western, work and write appropriately, actively carry out research and creation, draw on and absorb foreign artistic nutrients extensively, and let Chinese meticulous brush Painting, a peculiar form of painting expression, creates more excellent works, thus promoting the growth of meticulous figure painting in the new era.


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1 张伟民;;关于工笔画写意精神的砚边拾得[J];美术;2008年02期




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