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发布时间:2018-08-13 18:28
[Abstract]:Under the background of Chinese traditional painting theory, the Qing Dynasty was a very important period. As a literati painter, Da Zhongguang not only formed his own unique style in calligraphy and painting creation, but also made outstanding contributions in theory. His painting Quan is a theoretical book of great academic value. His innovative courage and originality are theoretically embodied in this work. In this paper, Gala Guang Guang and his painting Quan are taken as the object of study, in order to probe into the aesthetic thoughts of "reality" and "emptiness" in his masterpiece "Quan". Bazaoguang not only explains in detail the importance of techniques, strokes and ink in painting, but also puts forward the creation of "reality" in order to better present the "empty state" in "painting Quan". In "Quan painting", the Gala Gala is mainly about how to better shape the "reality" through the breakthrough of painting techniques. And "reality" and "emptiness" are inseparable. He advocated that "the real scene is clear and empty", emphasizing the importance of shaping the "reality". This paper takes Quan as a starting point, not only from the perspective of concept and category, but also to study the significance of "empty" and "reality" to painting creation and practice. Instead, it tries to put the problems of "emptiness" and "reality" in the painting world in the early Qing Dynasty, discusses their significance and influence on the development of art history, and tries to restore the image of an innovative and original painting theorist.


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4 黄迎洁;谈“空白”对山水画意境的营造[D];东北师范大学;2008年




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