[Abstract]:Green landscape is one of the classical styles in Chinese traditional painting. It is a unique way to express the true nature and the artist's inner emotion with color. It has brilliant historical background and unique aesthetic characteristics. Green landscapes are divided into big green and small green. Big green landscape is brilliant and colorful. Small green landscape is fresh and elegant, full of charm, but it is expressed in its magnificent atmosphere and beautiful colors. The rich decorative picture presents and symbolizes the expression of interest and stands on the stage of art, which becomes a beautiful scene in the traditional Chinese painting. Qiu Ying, in the painting world of Ming Dynasty advocating ink and ink painting, was recognized by green landscape painting and achieved self, which can be said to be a unique case of landscape painters in Ming Dynasty. Generally speaking, the green landscape style of Qiu Ying can be divided into two categories: one is the beauty of Seiko, the major color is the big green landscape; the other is fresh and beautiful, and the small green landscape written with Gongzhuan. In addition to being pure and beautiful in color and paying more attention to the expression of pen and ink language, his green landscape is also following the development of the times, closely linked to the cultural trend of thought at that time, and responding to humanism. In the picture, there appeared many secularized themes of the Ming Dynasty, which catered to the aesthetic needs of the society at that time, refined the style, achieved the common appreciation of elegance and common appreciation, and always revealed the elegant and free literati meaning. It has found a unique painting language in line with the development of the times between the school painting and the literati painting. This paper focuses on the causes of the green landscape of Qiu Ying and its artistic style, aesthetic ideas and interpretation of the representative works to carry out a detailed analysis. From the cause of formation, the middle period of Ming Dynasty belongs to a special period of feudal development, the rapid development of economy, the advancement of humanistic trend of thought and the change of artistic environment, and the transformation of social aesthetics, all of which contribute to the formation of the aesthetic proposition of Qiu Ying. In order to guide the formation of green landscape art style. In addition, the development and change of painting pigments in Ming Dynasty also made great progress, which provided more convenient conditions and abundant resources for Qiu Ying's artistic creation of green landscape. From his own perspective, his learning experience can be described as both arduous and rich. The experience of lacquer painters in his youth has helped him to grasp and feel the colors, which has enabled him to learn solid color skills. On the other hand, he has also cultivated his steadfast and assiduous learning attitude. After that, Wen Zhengming's appearance of the Burle not only took great care of it, so that Qiu Ying had a profound understanding of the elegant and gentle character of the literati, and even more, he introduced a respectable teacher, Zhou Chen, from Zhou Chen's body. Qiu Ying absorbed the authentic school style painting language and rigorous artistic style, which provided a great help for his later artistic creation, but also laid a solid foundation for the formation of his green landscape art style. In his later years, the enemy of England lived in the rich family and had no worries about food and clothing. This enabled him to learn from all the people and learn from the artistic achievements of his predecessors, and to build up ancient times, and with the deepening of contacts between him and the "Wu Men painting School" and the Suzhou literati circle. Finally formed his unique green landscape painting new style, has a profound impact on later generations. Qiu Ying's painting art has a strong vitality. The secularized life scene and the ideals of the ordinary people have been fully linked together, as if they could go back to that era and make people feel kind and natural. More easily accepted and loved by the public.
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