[Abstract]:As a unique phenomenon in Chinese painting, there is a clear development route in the history of Chinese painting, and the appearance and development of the two types are related to the traditional Chinese culture. During the six dynasties, because of the special background of the times and the infiltration of metaphysical thoughts, people at that time had a new view on life and the value of life, and the humanistic consciousness was awakened and displayed in all aspects of literature and art. The Noumenon consciousness of painting also began to awaken under the influence of humanism consciousness, and the status of painting began to rise, and the artistic expression form also moved towards diversification-namely "dredge" and "dense" two-body. Because painting has the law of development from humble to fine, the secret form has become a normal direction of development of painting, and before the Song Dynasty, secret painting all occupied the mainstream of painting. After the Song Dynasty, with the rise of literati painting and freehand brushwork, the thin-body painting gradually flourished, and the connection between the two types was closer, and with the continuous practice of the painters of the past dynasties in the fields of figure painting, landscape painting, flower and bird painting, etc. With the enrichment of painting theory, the form of secret painting is gradually perfect and full. Chinese painting pays most attention to artistic conception. In the course of its development, secret painting has not only made great achievements in techniques, but also made remarkable difference in the transmission of "meaning". Law serves "will", and law is not restricted by law. Finally, the perfect combination of Dharma and meaning leads to vivid charm. Yi is a special artistic conception in Chinese painting. "Yi" has the meaning of being free from vulgarity. It is not only a large amount of broad-ink freehand brushwork that can show detachment and ease, but also "Yi", which shows the unique aesthetic charm of Chinese painting.
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