[Abstract]:"the history of Chinese painting is in fact a history of continuous perfection in technical processing (formal artistic means used in the pursuit of artistic conception) and a shrinking aesthetic experience in painting concepts." 1 Chinese painting has experienced thousands of years of development. From the early rock paintings, murals, silk paintings, stone portraits brick, to the late literati painting on the evolution of painting is gradually pay attention to the value of the pen and ink itself, gradually carry out the process of ink extraction. Pay attention to the formal language of pen and ink continuously perfect and pursue the cultural meaning and aesthetic feeling of pen and ink itself. But in the concept has not been paid more attention, especially to the literati painting, literati and officials will only emotion on the pen and ink, far away from society and the crowd. This is also formed in the feudal social system, the concept of ink painting is greatly constrained. Therefore, in today's Chinese ink painting development space is not only the study of the language of ink and pen, the society and the crowd of this huge thing, there is a continuous expansion of the space for development. In other words, sociality and times provide new cultural symbols and new ideas for the object of ink painting.
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3 申f幒,