本文关键词:从风格标记理论看《子夜》语言风格的传译 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:茅盾的著名小说《子夜》的语言不仅有浓厚的时代气息,而且有显著的个性化特征,清新朴素。拟声词的运用,使得语言富有节奏美感;独到而传神的叙述语言,活现了各具特色的人物形象;比喻等修辞的运用,,形象地表现了作者的思想感情。该小说通过描写史实和愿景,将非虚构性的话语与虚构性话语相融合,彰显其现实主义的主题特色,体现了该小说语言风格的独特性和多样性。我们知道,文本的语言风格与文本意义密切相关,语言风格的传译是文学翻译成功的要素之一。 刘宓庆教授提出的风格标记理论,通过对文学作品语言的风格标记分析与识别,探讨文学作品英译本对原作语言风格的传译技巧和方式,并评价译本在风格传译方面的得与失。相对于单纯的语言学观点,风格标记理论从微观和宏观方面分析语言风格,能有助于客观地认识小说语言的风格并可用以指导翻译实践。 根据风格标记理论,本文在对《子夜》语言风格及其风格标记分析、认知的基础上,以许孟雄英译本为研究对象,从中考察其对原作语言的风格传译,发现该译本在诸方面基本上体现了原作的语言风格:选择与原文本相对应的拟声词,通过改变词性,或使用补充性的短语保留了拟声效果;模仿原文本的口语体风格;对感叹短句的重构,既保存了原有句法特征,又传达其言外之意;依照原文本的风格转换了叙事视角;对体现象征手法的通俗易懂语言风格的模仿,恰当再现原作的语言风格;原作者运用现实主义的创作手法表现了民族资本家的软弱性和革命性,译文基本上继承了这种风格。并且译文也体现了作者细腻的气质。译文中有些语言虽然保留了原文本的概念意义,但也存在不足之处,例如暗喻在译文中的淡化。总而言之,其译文在保证传达原作意义的基础上对其语言风格的传译比较准确到位。 译者在翻译过程中应对不同层面的风格标记成分加以分析与识别,灵活运用各种翻译技巧,以期在译文中尽可能传达原文本的语言风格特征。本研究的目的在于通过实例分析验证风格标记理论对文学翻译实践的指导作用,为小说语言风格的传译探索一定的可循规律和可鉴经验,本研究成果对今后的文学作品翻译,特别是小说翻译有一定的参考价值和启示作用。
[Abstract]:Mao Dun's famous novel "Midnight" language not only has a strong flavor of the times, and personalized features, was fresh and simple. The use of onomatopoeia, make the language full of rhythm beauty; unique and vivid narrative language shows distinctivecharacters.; the use of metaphor rhetoric, the author vividly demonstrated. The thoughts and feelings of the novel. Through the description of historical facts and vision will be non fiction discourse and fictitious discourse integration, reveals the realistic theme, reflects the unique language of the novel style and diversity. As we know, the language style and the meaning of the text of the text is closely related to the language style of translation literary translation is one of the elements of success.
The stylistic markers theory proposed by Professor Liu Miqing, through the analysis and identification of stylistic markers of the language in literary works, to explore the translation of literary works on the original language style of translation skills and methods, and to evaluate the translation of style translation in the aspects of the gain and loss. Compared with the pure linguistic theory, stylistic markers theory from micro and macro aspects analysis of language style, can contribute to the objective understanding of fiction language style and can be used to guide the translation practice.
According to the theory of stylistic markers, based on the analysis of language style and style > < midnight marker, the cognitive basis, with Xu Mengxiongying's version as the research object, from the original style of language translation, the translation reflects the original language style in various aspects basically: selection and the corresponding onomatopoeia, by changing the part of speech, or the use of complementary phrase retains the onomatopoeic effect; the imitation of the original writing style; the exclamatory sentences reconstruction, which can not only preserve the original syntactic features, and convey the implication; in accordance with the original text style conversion of the narrative perspective; to reflect the symbolism in plain language style imitation, proper reproduction of the original language style; the original author uses realism performance of the national capitalists and weakness of the revolutionary, basically inherited the wind And the lattice. Embodies the delicate temperament. In some languages while retaining the conceptual meaning of the original text, but there are also shortcomings, such as desalination of metaphor in translation in the translation. In a word, based on ensuring the meaning to convey the original language style of translation is more accurate in place.
The translator in the translation process, coping style marker at different levels of analysis and recognition, flexible application of various translation techniques, in translation as possible to convey the style of language features of the original text. The purpose of this study is to verify the guidance through the example analysis of stylistic markers theory on literary translation practice, as the language style of the novel. To follow certain rules and explore the translation of reference, the results of this study for future literary translation, especially the translation of novels have certain reference value and enlightenment.
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