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  本文关键词:《彩凤感别曲》与中国明清时期才子佳人小说的比较研究 出处:《延边大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 才子佳人小说 明末清初 朝鲜末期 结构 形象

【摘要】: 《彩凤感别曲》是以朝鲜末期为时代背景,以平壤、首尔为地理背景的爱情小说,是共12回的章回体小说。这部小说与在朝鲜非常出名的中国明末短篇小说《今古奇观》中的第35话《王娇鸾百年长恨》有着清晰的影响关系,因此在朝鲜小说史上是一部很特殊的作品。本论文通过《彩凤感别曲》与中国明末清初的才子佳人小说《玉娇梨》,《平山冷燕》,《好逑传》等的比较,探讨了这部作品受中国才子佳人小说的影响程度,并致力于通过分析这部作品的独创性指出朝鲜文学的特性。 朝鲜与中国地理上临近,并且拥有共同的文语圈,因此在思想、文学等各层次上紧密相连。众所周知的是,朝鲜在很早以前就借用中国的汉字进行文学创作,并深受汉文学的影响。因此可以说朝鲜与中国的关系是通过汉文学直接联系在一起的。小说文学上,相似的素材与故事情节,还有小说的由来和传承的历史记录都是两国文学有关联并有影响关系的有力证明。《彩凤感别曲》与中国的才子佳人小说在内容、结构上很相似,但是通过结构、母题、人物形象的比较,可以发现因为两国时代背景和民族的特性等问题,《彩凤感别曲》拥有朝鲜小说的特性。 在母题方面,强调女性的贞节是朝鲜爱情小说的传统;而中国的才子佳人小说所强调的是“才”,并且通过诗选丈夫的母题是清代才子佳人小说的特性。在人物形象方面,中国古代白话小说源出说书艺术,因而一向有注重情节的离奇曲折的特点。才子佳人小说的作家们缺乏生活,艺术上先天不足,只得在情节的曲折、离奇、巧合上做工夫,人物性格自身的发展逻辑,基本上未受到作者的注意。与此相比,《彩凤感别曲》绘声绘色地表现了人物的性格,使作品更加生动、清晰地展示在读者面前。在近代性方面,中国才子佳人小说虽然主张男女相爱要以感情为基础,排斥“门当户对”、“父母之命,媒妁之言”,但同时提倡“发乎情,止乎礼”。从这里可以看出,才子佳人小说的作家们在寻求一种中庸之道。虽然他们想改变些什么,但因为儒家思想根深蒂固,只能寻求一种折中的方法。因此他们的才子佳人小说往往是为封建阶级的理想而代言。而《彩凤感别曲》将朝鲜朝末期的腐败现象展现出来,并且表现了当时向往自由和个性的年轻一代的苦恼和内心的反抗,这种带有现实性的古典小说是很稀少的。 总之,《彩凤感别曲》虽然受中国明末清初时期才子佳人小说的影响,但它有自己作为朝鲜小说的特性。中国才子佳人小说迅速地被朝鲜人民接受并受其影响,是因为中国才子佳人小说符合当时朝鲜的时代需求,且迎合了朝鲜古典小说发展的客观需求。但朝鲜古典小说家并没有完全接受或者模仿中国的才子佳人小说,而是结合了朝鲜的民族特性,使自己的民族文化更加丰富。
[Abstract]:< > is to don't sense Caifeng song at the end of the Korean era background, taking Pyongyang, Seoul as the geographical background of the love stories, is a total of 12 back to the historical novel. The novel and very famous in Korea in the late Ming Dynasty China stories jinguqiguan < > in the < thirty-fifth > Chang Wang Jiaoluan hundred years has a clear relationship, therefore in the Korean history of the novel is a very special works. This thesis < > and China song don't Caifeng sense of late Ming and early Qing Dynasty novel "gifted scholars and beautiful ladies Jen pear > >, < < Ping Leng Yan, compared and discussed the fortunate union >, this work is influenced by the degree of China small gifted scholars and beautiful ladies said through the analysis, and is committed to the originality of the works pointed out that the characteristics of Korean literature.
Near the North Korean geography and Chinese, and have the same text in the ideological circle, therefore, different levels of literature and so on are closely linked. As everyone knows is that North Korea in the early Chinese borrow the Chinese characters of the literary creation, and is deeply influenced by Chinese literature. It can be said that between North Korea and Chinese is in direct contact through literature, fiction, similar material and story, and the origin and inheritance of the history of the novel are two Literary Association and have an impact proof. The relationship between song and China > don't sense Caifeng wit beauty novels in the content, is very similar in structure, but the structure, motif and compare the figures, because the two countries can be found in the background of the times and national characteristics, characteristics of song > < Caifeng sense don't have a Korean novel.
The motif of women's chastity is emphasized, the Korean love novels and traditional novels; China of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies stressed the "talent", and through her husband's characteristic motif of poetry in the Qing Dynasty. In the novels of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies characters, China ancient vernacular novels originated from the art of storytelling, which has always been focused on the plot of the bizarre twists and turns. The characteristics of fiction writers. Gifted scholars and beautiful ladies lack of life, art had to be congenitally deficient, in mysterious plot twists and turns, on time, coincidence, the logical development of character itself, the author's attention has not been basically. Compared with this, "Phoenix sense performance song > don't hit off the character, make the works more vivid that is clearly demonstrated in front of the reader. In modern times, Chinese insists that men and women love to novels of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies with emotion as the foundation, the exclusion of" equal status "," the life of parents, The words of a match-maker ", but at the same time advocate" affection, propriety ". From here we can see that the novel writers in the gifted scholars and beautiful ladies to seek a kind of a middle course. Although they want to change what, but because of Confucianism ingrained, only to seek a compromise. So their novels are often gifted scholars and beautiful ladies of the feudal class the ideal and endorsement. While the < Caifeng show song > don't sense the corruption at the end of Joseon Dynasty, and the yearning for freedom and individuality of the young generation of distress and inner resistance, with the reality of the classical small said is very rare.
In a word, "song > don't sense Caifeng although affected by the end of the Ming Dynasty Novels of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies China, but it has its own characteristics as a Korean novel. The novel Chinese rapidly by the Korean people gifted scholars and beautiful ladies and accept its influence, because at that time the North China novel gifted scholars and beautiful ladies to cater to the needs of the times, and the objective requirement of the development of Korean classical novels. But the Korean classical novelists did not fully accept or imitate the China novels but a combination of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, the Korean national characteristics, make their own national culture more rich.



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