发布时间:2018-03-28 14:53
本文选题:《堂吉诃德》 切入点:复译 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:《堂吉诃德》是文艺复兴时期的现实主义杰作,作者为西班牙人塞万提斯。从二十世纪初,林纾与陈家麟最早合译其为《魔侠传》至今,已经出现了不下二十个中文译本。虽然,经典文学作品的复译是一种极为普遍的现象,这种现象在文学界和翻译界也越来越引发学者们的关注,但是理论界并没有形成一套完整的理论体系来研究复译发生的原因、指导复译的过程以及提出复译的评价标准。因此,本文将以《堂吉诃德》的多个中文译本为基础,对不同译者的不同译本进行比较,从以下几个方面展开研究: 首先,本文将简要回顾《堂吉诃德》初译及复译的进程,同时明确复译及转译等概念,并确定本论文将要进行研究的三个典型译本:林纾和陈家麟的《魔侠传》,杨绛的《堂吉诃德》以及董燕生的同名译作。这是因为,《堂吉诃德》的原文是用西班牙语写成,但是,由于二十世纪初,我国西班牙语人才极度匮乏,以1922年出版的由林纾和陈家麟合译的《魔侠传》为起点的各种《堂吉诃德》中译本,都是通过英文版转译的,直到1978年出版的由杨绛翻译的《堂吉诃德》才是第一本真正意义的由西班牙语直接翻译到汉语的译本。 其次,本文试图以接受美学理论和阐释学为依据,以《堂吉诃德》的三个中文译本为例,从译者、读者、社会文化等几个方面对文学作品复译的必然性和必要性进行分析和研究。 第三,本文将尝试进行“对复译作品的质量如何进行评价”的探讨,这既是本文的主要部分,也是本文的创新点。综合先前的研究成果,可以发现,广大学者的研究主要集中在复译的必要性上,而对“如何评价复译作品”这一问题的涉及者寥寥无几。对于这一问题,本文作者认为:首先,复译也是一种翻译,单纯从一个译本出发,进行评价的时候,完全可以使用评价翻译的标准来进行;其次,复译又是一种特殊的翻译,因为译本众多——至少有原译和复译两个译本——比较就在所难免,因此,对复译作品的评价体系中必然会包含不同译本的比较研究,比较什么,怎么比较将是本文要解决的问题;另外,在对各个译本进行比较的过程中,本文作者发现,单纯的文本比较是片面的,因此对复译的比较研究应该是一种交叉型的综合研究,这样才能保证对复译的研究是全面的。通过以上的研究,,本文作者提出了一个大胆的构想:评价者除了按照一定的原则将众多译本评出孰优孰劣之外,还可以进一步地进行探讨,以提出的自己的构建性译文。构建性译文可谓取众家之长,因此,它将是最接近所谓的“最终的定本”的译本。 本文的最后部分,将就复译的价值进行探讨。显而易见,尽管学术界对复译的看法各异,但复译却在成为一种潮流。成功的复译作品,可以提高翻译质量,普及翻译文学,这些价值是不言自明的。但即使是相对失败的复译作品,也有其存在的价值。复译作品,只要不是那些乱译、抄译的糟粕,就一定会与其他译本有所不同,而比较这些不同以发现某些翻译的规律,推广优秀译者的经验,这正是一门新兴学科“比较翻译学”的研究内容。因此可以说,复译作品在某种程度上推动了翻译理论的研究。另一方面,同一作品的多个译本,对于透彻理解原著有很大的帮助,对比较文学的健康发展也会起到推动作用。
[Abstract]:"Quixote" is the Renaissance masterpiece of realism, the author for the Spaniard Cervantes. From the beginning of twentieth Century, Lin Shu and Chen Jialin first translated the "magic man biography > so far, no fewer than twenty Chinese versions have appeared. Although the retranslation of classic works of literature is a very common phenomenon. This phenomenon is caused by the attention of scholars in the fields of literature and translation circles have, but the theory has no reason to study the complex translation form a complete theoretical system, guiding the retranslation process and put forward the retranslation evaluation criteria. Therefore, this paper will take multiple versions of < Quixote > for Chinese based on different versions by different translators are compared from the following several aspects:
First of all, this paper will briefly review the < Quixote > early translation and retranslation process, while clearly retranslation and the concept of translation, and to determine the three typical versions of this paper will be studied: Lin Shu and Chen Jialin's "magic man biography >, < Quixote > Yang Jiang and Dong Yansheng with the same name as the translation. Because Quixote is the original, < > written in Spanish, but due to the beginning of twentieth Century, China's Spanish talent shortage, published in 1922 by Lin Shu and Chen Jialin translated the" magic man biography "as the starting point of the various versions of" Quixote ", is translated through the English version, until 1978 the publication of translation by Yang Jiang Quixote is the first book < > the true meaning of the Spanish by direct translation to Chinese translation.
Secondly, based on the theory of reception aesthetics and hermeneutics, and taking the three Chinese versions of < Quixote > as an example, this paper analyzes and studies the necessity and necessity of re translation of literary works from translators, readers and social culture.
Third, this article will attempt to "explore the quality of retranslation works how to evaluate the main part of this paper is not only, is also the innovation of this paper. The research results, comprehensive previous can be found, the majority of scholars mainly focus on the necessity of retranslation, and on how to evaluate the retranslation of works" this issue relates to their scanty. For this problem, the author thinks that: firstly, retranslation is a simple translation from a version of time evaluation, can be used for the evaluation of translation standards; secondly, retranslation is a special kind of translation, because the translation of many at least in the original translation and retranslation of the two versions -- comparison of comparative study so can hardly be avoided, and will contain different versions of inevitable retranslation works in the evaluation system is what, how will this paper is to solve the In addition, the problem; for each version of the process of comparison, the author found that simple text comparison is one-sided, so the retranslation of comparative study should be a comprehensive study of the cross type, so as to ensure that the study of retranslation is comprehensive. Through the above research, the author puts forward a bold idea: in addition to the evaluation according to certain principles will be many versions' merits, can be further discussed to construct the proposed own. Construction of translation is to take many long, therefore, it will be the most close to the so-called "end of the" the translation.
The last part of this paper, on the retranslation value were discussed. Obviously, although the academic view of retranslation is different, but the retranslation has become a trend. But in the complex translation works successfully, can improve the quality of translation, translation of popular literature, the value is self-evident. But even the retranslation of the relative failure of works also, the value of its existence. Re translation works, as long as it is not the translation, to transcribe the dross, will be different from other versions, and compare these to find out some translation rules and promote excellent translator's experience, this is a new subject "comparative translation study" content. It can be said that the complex translation promotes the study of translation theory to a certain extent. On the other hand, multiple versions of the same work, for a thorough understanding of the original work are of great help, will also play a push for the healthy development of Comparative Literature Action.
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1 李景端;[N];光明日报;2004年
2 滕威;[N];中华读书报;2005年