发布时间:2018-03-29 20:18
本文选题:沈括 切入点:《梦溪笔谈》 出处:《湖北师范学院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:与唐朝诗歌创作高峰不同,宋代以笔记体的理论著称。在北宋众多理论著作中,沈括的《梦溪笔谈》是一部具有里程碑意义的百科全书式的著作,其以笔记体的形式记载了大量的内容,涉及科技、医药、工程、诗歌、音乐、书画等众多学科领域。这样一部宏大的著作中必定蕴含着许多精辟论点,然而目前国内学者对于《梦溪笔谈》中的艺术思想研究尚不够充分,因而对该书中的艺术思想进行梳理和分析对于研究者而言有着重要的价值和意义。 本文将立足于艺术理论研究的角度,对散落于该书中的诗、画、乐、书等理论观点,作出分类梳理,并对其进行提炼、分析和探讨。全文分为六章,分领域探究诗、画、乐、书等理论观点。第一章通过研究沈括的生平及交游经历,了解其思想,认识《梦溪笔谈》创作背景,并通过对该书研究现状的梳理发掘其进一步研究的价值。第二章梳理书中诗歌理论条目,并归类分析,归结出沈括论诗重意、重法、讲功用、讲诗事互证等四方面的理论特点。第三章针对绘画领域的相关论点,分别从追求真实、求趣求妙、重意轻形、以事实鉴画等四个方面,加以具体分析、探讨,从而认识沈括绘画理论的体系性。第四章对该书中音乐理论的论述、分析主要集中在四个方面,分别是:“志”是“乐”与“声”的基础,音乐器材又是妙乐的物质基础,“法”尤其是唱法的重要性,至妙之乐需要有“意”。第五章针对《梦溪笔谈》中沈括的书法理论重点分为三方面加以论述:考证字迹推知演变历程,注重“法”的运用从而追求神韵美,以“淳”、“劲”、“力”为评赏高标。第六章则站在统摄总体的角度,对前边二至四章四个艺术领域理论做出宏观把握,通过对该书中艺术思想作出历史的纵向与横向比较,从而突出其思想的特殊价值和意义,其中亦论及其不足之处,力图更全面更准确地把握沈括《梦溪笔谈》中的艺术思想。 全文引用原书资料较多,试图全面清晰地展现作者的艺术思想,并对其作出理性思考。
[Abstract]:Different from the peak of poetry creation in the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was famous for its theory of note-writing. Among the numerous theoretical works of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo's Mengxi Pen Tale was an encyclopedia of landmark significance. In the form of notes, a great deal of content has been recorded in science and technology, medicine, engineering, poetry, music, painting and many other fields of study. Such a great book must contain many incisive arguments. However, at present, domestic scholars have not done enough research on the artistic thought in Mengxi Pen Tale, so it is of great value and significance for researchers to sort out and analyze the artistic thought in the book. Based on the theoretical research of art, this paper classifies and sorts out the theoretical viewpoints of poetry, painting, music and books scattered in the book, and then refines, analyzes and discusses them. The full text is divided into six chapters, which are divided into six chapters, which are divided into four parts: poetry, painting, music, etc. The first chapter, by studying Shen Kuo's life and acquaintance experience, understands his thoughts and the background of his creation. The second chapter combs the poetry theory item in the book, and classifies the analysis, concludes that Shen Kuo's poems emphasize meaning, method and function. The third chapter aims at the related arguments in the field of painting, respectively from the pursuit of truth, the pursuit of interest and beauty, the emphasis on meaning and light of form, drawing with the facts to make a specific analysis, to explore, The fourth chapter focuses on four aspects: "Zhi" is the basis of "Music" and "Sound". Music equipment is also the material basis of wonderful music, "Dharma", especially the importance of singing method, The fifth chapter focuses on Shen Kuo's calligraphy theory, which is divided into three aspects: textual research on the evolution of handwriting, attention to the use of "law" to pursue the beauty of charm. "Chun", "Jin" and "Li" are regarded as high marks. Chapter VI stands at the angle of dominating the whole and makes a macroscopic grasp of the theories of the four art fields in the preceding two to four chapters, and makes a historical vertical and horizontal comparison between the artistic thoughts in the book and the art thoughts in the book. In order to highlight the special value and significance of his thought, and also on its shortcomings, try to grasp more comprehensively and accurately the artistic thought in Shen Kuo's Mengxi Pen talk. The full text refers to the original book more materials, tries to show the author's artistic thought completely and clearly, and makes the rational thought to it.
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