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发布时间:2018-05-31 23:34

  本文选题:莎士比亚十四行诗 + 审美价值 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:《莎士比亚十四行诗集》是莎士比亚于1609年发表的十四行诗(sonnet)体裁诗集,总共收录了154首诗,大致认为作于1592年至1598年,1609年于伦敦首次出版,在莎士比亚的全部作品中占有非常重要的地位。诗集分为两部分,第一部分为前126首,献给一个年轻的贵族(Fair Lord),诗人的诗热烈地歌颂了这位朋友的美貌以及他们的友情;第二部分为第127首至最后,献给一位“黑女士”(Dark Lady),,描写爱情。该诗集自十九世纪初被介绍到中国以来,在社会上受到了广泛的关注。基于这一事实,本文作者对其在中国的翻译产生了巨大的研究兴趣,并试图从接受理论的视角对其进行研究。接受理论(又称接受美学)是20世纪60年代兴起的一种新的文学研究方法论,将文学批评理论关注的焦点由重作者、重作品转移到了重文本---读者关系。本文作者将围绕接受理论中的两个重要概念展开讨论,即“期待视野”和“意义未定点”。“期待视野”是人类知识和经验的动态积累。它并不是一成不变的,而是阴着时间的推移,社会的变化而不断变化。另外,读者的反应是评价一部作品好坏的标准,作者在创作的过程中应该考虑到读者的期待视野。同时该理论认为一部作品并不是把所有的信息都呈现在读者面前,它还包含着许多意义未定点,这些未定点是连接作品和读者的桥梁,它们需要读者根据自己的理解、经验和想象去填补,去解析。只有这样,一部作品才能显现其作为艺术实体的思想内涵和审美价值,才能得到真正的完成。在文中,作者选取了《莎士比亚十四行诗》三个不同时期的中译本,运用接受理论的主要概念对它们进行了对比分析,并简单的论述了它们的接受情况。通过分析得出:由于所处的时代和历史文化背景不同,三个译者拥有不同的“期待视野”,而三个译本的读者也具有不同的“期待视野”和接受能力。出于这两方面的考虑,译者对文本中的意义未定点做了不同的具体化,从而形成了不同的翻译。本文进行这一研究的目的不是要评析这三个中译本的好与坏,而是要说明不同的历史时期人们的“期待视野”以及“意义未定点”的具体化是不同的,一个译本不可能同时满足不同历史阶段所有读者的需求。
[Abstract]:Shakespeare's Sonnets is a collection of sonnets published by Shakespeare in 1609. It contains a total of 154 poems, which are generally considered to have been written between 1592 and 1598, and first published in London in 1609. Play a very important role in all Shakespeare's works. There are two parts of the anthology, the first 126 of which are dedicated to a young aristocrat, Fair Lord. The poet's poems warmly eulogize the friend's beauty and their friendship. The second part is the 127th to the last. Dedicated to a "Black Lady" Dark Lady, describing love. Since it was introduced to China at the beginning of the nineteenth century, it has received wide attention in the society. Based on this fact, the author of this paper is interested in his translation in China and tries to study it from the perspective of reception theory. Reception Theory (also known as reception Aesthetics) is a new literary research methodology which rose in the 1960s. It has shifted the focus of literary criticism theory from emphasis on author and work to text-reader relationship. The author of this paper will discuss two important concepts in reception theory, namely, "horizon of expectation" and "point of undetermined meaning". The vision of expectation is the dynamic accumulation of human knowledge and experience. It is not inflexible, but the passage of time, social change and constant change. In addition, the reader's response is to evaluate the quality of a work, the author should take into account the reader's expectation in the process of creation. At the same time, the theory holds that a work does not present all the information to the reader, it also contains a lot of undecided points of meaning, which are the bridge between the work and the reader, and they need the reader to understand it according to his own. Experience and imagination to fill, to analyze. Only in this way, a work can show its ideological connotation and aesthetic value as an artistic entity, and can it be truly completed. In this paper, the author selects three Chinese versions of Shakespeare's sonnets, compares them with the main concepts of reception theory, and briefly discusses their acceptance. Through the analysis, it is concluded that due to the different times and historical and cultural backgrounds, the three translators have different "horizon of expectation", and the readers of the three versions also have different "horizon of expectation" and receptivity. In view of these two considerations, the translator has made different concretization of the meaning of the text, thus forming different translation. The purpose of this study is not to comment on the good or bad of the three Chinese versions, but to show that the "horizon of expectation" and the "undetermined point of meaning" are different in different historical periods. It is impossible for a translation to meet the needs of all readers at different stages of history at the same time.


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