本文选题:《三国演义》 + 印尼《三国》 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Although the translation of the Romance of the three Kingdoms in Indonesia can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century, the complete translation can be seen in 1910 by Qian Rengui and Li Yunying. The two versions have something in common: they are published and distributed in more than 60 volumes; they are translated from the original Chinese works into Malay, but they are translated into three languages, Fujian, Dutch and Javanese. The story is similar to the original Chinese. In particular, in the translation of Qian Rengui, in addition to annotating some words to the readers of the then Dutch East Indies, the author also translated a lot of Mao Zonggang's criticism. It makes it the best translation of the three Kingdoms in more than a hundred years, and the reference model for the editors of the three Kingdoms. At present, there is only an adaptation of the Romance of the three Kingdoms in Indonesia, that is, a new Indonesian novel or comic book adapted from other language versions of the Romance of the three Kingdoms. As a whole, these adaptations have the following characteristics: first, the content of the story is different from that of the original work in Chinese, because it is influenced by its reference translation, or because the editor intends to adapt it differently. The result is that it has a negative effect on the adaptation, and the content of the story is confused. Second, there are some misunderstandings in translation. Although it is not an adaptation of the original work in Chinese, but of an English translation or an adaptation of the Korean version, the editors still misinterpret some of the words based on the reference book, and as a result, there are some strange storylines. Therefore, the quality of the works is affected, which is also related to the fact that the editors only translate words and ignore the translation of sentences; third, there are some acts of infringement of intellectual property rights, and some editors refer to the translations of others, And excerpts of the translation or picture, but in their adaptation did not mention its source. Although the overall situation of these adaptations is not very satisfactory, they have played a significant role in the spread of the Romance of the three Kingdoms in Indonesia, especially to the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and to the dissemination of Chinese culture. The credit should still be recognized.
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