[Abstract]:Frederick Jameson is one of the most famous Marxist critical theorists in the West. He adheres to the overall concept of Marxism, and in the effective dialogue with other theories, constructs his overall cultural aesthetics in the study of contemporary capitalist culture, thus enriching and developing Marxist aesthetics. This paper is divided into three parts to study Jameson's overall cultural aesthetics: the first part discusses the theoretical origin and background of the totality thought which is the core of its theory and methodology. The former includes the totality of Hegel, Marx and the representative figures of Western Marxism, Lukacs, Althusser, Adorno and Sartre, while the latter is the context in which his totality thought was formed and developed. The controversy between modernity and post-modernity is an important theoretical background. The second part studies Jameson's aesthetic theory of political hermeneutics. Jameson tried to construct the correct Marxist literary criticism in order to restore the true connection between the text and history, so he examined the relationship between form and content. The three-level text-historical interpretation model put forward in his masterpiece of Marxist literary theory, political unconscious, is a political interpretation model from the perspective of overall study, which uses the main code of the mode of production. Taking text as the center and history as the ultimate vision of text interpretation, this paper reveals the political unconsciousness contained in the text in the process of interpretation, and makes the text history again. Jameson also believes that Marxist literary interpretation model is not only the criticism of capitalist ideology, but also the construction of Marxist ideology and the unity of ideology and utopia. The third part discusses the postmodern cultural theory in Jameson's overall vision. He expanded the literary interpretation model of the previous period and applied it to the field of cultural research, analyzed the cultural reality of contemporary capitalism in depth, and tried to grasp the development law of capitalist culture from the point of view of the relationship between culture and economy. He divided the culture of capitalism into three periods: realism, modernism and postmodernism by means of Mandel's theory of capitalist stages. He thought that postmodernism was the dominant culture of late capitalism. And studied the basic characteristic of post-modernism culture in depth. In view of the spatial characteristics of post-modern and the loss of people in this kind of post-modern space, that is, people have lost their critical ability to the reality of capitalist society, Jameson put forward the idea of cognitive mapping. Try to establish a kind of radical cultural politics which can break through the post-modern space. The study of Jameson's overall cultural and political aesthetics is of great significance and reference value to the construction of Chinese culture and aesthetics.
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