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发布时间:2018-08-01 13:29
【摘要】: 中国文坛精英,杰出学者——钱钟书(1910-1998),,学贯中西、融汇古今,对文学、哲学、诗学、美学都有研究。他在翻译方面的论述,更是引起了中国翻译界和文学界的广泛关注,特别是在《林纾的翻译》里提出的“化境说”,在中国译界享有极高的威望,对翻译研究影响巨大。然而,由于钱先生没有专门的翻译理论著作问世,他的翻译实践又是分散在其学术著作里边,因此很少有人对他的翻译思想进行系统、全面和科学的论述,更少有人真正体会“化”的内涵,在大多数人看来,“化境说”犹如空中楼阁,抽象、玄妙而不可企及。 目前对钱钟书翻译理论的研究,总体上有引述、解释和用“化境”理论评论译作这三个角度,虽各有特色,但多年来鲜有突破。作者通过总结前人的研究,阅读钱先生的著作和相关材料,从理论、实践及应用三个角度结合的方式来分析“化境说”的科学性。钱先生14岁开始学习英语,19岁考入清华大学西语系,他早期的翻译活动就是从这时候开始的,曾多次在杂志上发表与翻译相关的评论。他阅读大量的西方著作,语种达七种之多,为他以后在《谈艺录》和《管锥编》里面的精彩翻译打下了基础。钱先生进行学术研究的同时对翻译颇为关注,他研究中西翻译历史及翻译名家,对中外翻译理论进行消化吸收,并结合自己在翻译实践中的经验,于1964年在《林纾的翻译》中提出“化境说”。大量翻译实践积累的经验和对古今中外翻译理论的细致研究,为钱先生提出“化境说”打下了坚实的基础。另外“化境说”提出之后,对翻译工作者起到了指导作用,他们在进行文学翻译时成功地实践了这一标准,从而使“化境说”的科学性在实践中得到检验。 总之,本文以钱钟书“化境说”的科学性为核心,将围绕它的理论支撑,实践积累,以及在文学翻译中的广泛应用展开较为全面的论述。
[Abstract]:The elite and outstanding scholar of Chinese literature-Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998) has studied literature, philosophy, poetics and aesthetics. His discussion on translation has aroused widespread concern in both Chinese translation and literary circles, especially in Lin Shu's Translation, which enjoys a high prestige in the field of translation and has a great impact on translation studies. However, because Mr. Qian did not have a special translation theory and his translation practice was scattered in his academic works, few people systematically, comprehensively and scientifically discussed his translation thoughts. Few people really understand the connotation of "transformation". In most people's view, the "environment of chemistry" is like a castle in the air, abstract, mysterious and unreachable. At present, the research on Qian Zhongshu's translation theory has its own characteristics, but few breakthroughs have been made over the years. By summing up the previous studies and reading Mr. Qian's works and related materials, the author analyzes the scientific nature of the theory from the perspectives of theory, practice and application. Qian began studying English at the age of 14 and was admitted to the department of western languages at Tsinghua University at the age of 19. His early translation activities began at this time, and he has repeatedly published commentaries on translation in magazines. He read a large number of Western works in seven languages, which laid the foundation for his later wonderful translation in the Book of Art and Guancone. While he is engaged in academic research, Qian pays much attention to translation. He studies the history of translation between China and the West and famous translators, digests and assimilates the translation theories of China and foreign countries, and combines his own experience in translation practice. In 1964, in Lin Shu's Translation, he put forward the theory of "Translational circumstances". A great deal of experience accumulated in translation practice and careful study of translation theories at all times and in modern times have laid a solid foundation for Mr. Qian to put forward the theory of "Transfiguration". In addition, it has played a guiding role for translators after it was put forward. They have successfully carried out this standard in literary translation, so that the scientific nature of the "metaphysics theory" has been tested in practice. In a word, this thesis focuses on the scientific nature of Qian Zhongshu's "the theory of environment", and will focus on its theoretical support, practical accumulation, and its wide application in literary translation.


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