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发布时间:2018-09-03 12:52
【摘要】:文学文体学作为一门连接文学批评和语言学的重要学科,对文学批评和文学翻译起着重要的作用,为把握文学作品中具有美学功能和主体意义的语言形式提供科学的分析方法。在文学翻译中,文学文体学有助于加深译者对文学作品的理解和欣赏,使其在翻译过程中注重形式与内容的统一,使译作达到语义对等和文体对等的目标。就翻译批评而言,文学文体学已经成为评价翻译质量的一种极为重要工具。 本论文采用文学文体学对《理想丈夫》的三个汉译本进行比较研究。《理想丈夫》是王尔德四部社会喜剧的其中一部。众所周知,王尔德戏剧精彩的部分不是它的人物塑造和离奇情节,而是人物对话中幽默机智的语言。王尔德擅长使用各种修辞手法,,形成了自己独特的语言特点,注重语言的鲜活新奇,从而令观众开心解颐,这使其久负美誉,赢得同萧伯纳一样的地位。尽管《理想丈夫》有多种汉译本,但是到目前为止,这些译本在翻译研究界并没有得到足够的关注,对其进行的相关研究很少,遑论从文学文体学的角度对其进行探讨。 本论文以英国文体学家里奇和肖特所提出的文体分析模式为框架,对余光中,张南峰和钱之德的《理想丈夫》译本进行比较研究。论文从词汇,句法和修辞等范畴主要探讨原作的文体特征是否在三个译本中得以体现,译者是否实现原作和译作的文体对等,以及译作是否产生与原作相同或大致相同的文体效果。通过对比分析,本论文发现余光中和张南峰在翻译过程中具有较高的文体意识,原作中的文体特征大多能够在他们的译本中得以体现,从而产生相应的文体效果。相对而言,钱之德的译本虽然在80年代具有一定的知名度,但基本上无法体现原作的文体特征,并且还有一些错译和误译。通过分析,本论文认为在文学翻译中,运用文学文体学进行文本分析对于翻译实践和翻译评估具有可行性和必要性,它不但有助于避免虚假对等,而且有助于提高翻译评估的精确度和可信度。
[Abstract]:Literary stylistics, as an important discipline linking literary criticism and linguistics, plays an important role in literary criticism and literary translation, and provides a scientific analysis method for grasping the linguistic forms of aesthetic function and subject meaning in literary works. In literary translation, literary stylistics helps to deepen the translator's understanding and appreciation of literary works, make them pay attention to the unity of form and content in the process of translation, and make the translation achieve the goal of semantic equivalence and stylistic equivalence. In terms of translation criticism, literary stylistics has become an extremely important tool for evaluating translation quality. This thesis makes a comparative study of three Chinese translations of ideal husband, which is one of Wang Erde's four social comedies, using literary stylistics. As we all know, the wonderful part of Wang Erde's drama is not its character shaping and strange plot, but the humorous and witty language in character dialogue. Wang Erde is good at using various rhetorical devices, forming his own unique language characteristics and paying attention to the freshness and novelty of language, which makes the audience happy, which makes him enjoy a good reputation and win the same status as Bernard Shaw. Although there are many Chinese versions of the ideal husband, so far these translations have not received enough attention in the field of translation studies, and few studies have been carried out on them, let alone from the perspective of literary stylistics. Based on the stylistic analysis model proposed by the British stylistics family Qi and short, this thesis makes a comparative study of Yu Guangzhong, Zhang Nanfeng and Qian Zhide's "ideal husband" translation. This paper mainly discusses whether the stylistic features of the original work are embodied in the three versions and whether the translator realizes the stylistic equivalence between the original and the translated text in the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical categories. And whether the translation produces the same or roughly the same stylistic effect as the original. Through comparative analysis, it is found that Yu Guangzhong and Zhang Nanfeng have high stylistic consciousness in the process of translation, and most of the stylistic features in the original works can be reflected in their translations, thus producing corresponding stylistic effects. Comparatively speaking, although Qian Zhide's translation was well-known in the 1980s, it basically failed to reflect the stylistic features of the original work, and there were some mistranslations and mistranslations. Through analysis, this thesis holds that text analysis by literary stylistics is feasible and necessary for translation practice and translation evaluation, which not only helps to avoid false equivalence. It also helps to improve the accuracy and credibility of translation assessment.


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