[Abstract]:The term "(Mixed media)" has appeared in the history of art for nearly a hundred years. In recent years, China has also published many related books, most of which are in the aspect of formal language exploration, especially the description of different muscle effects produced by the use of natural materials, and how to combine various kinds of materials. The method of collage is explained and so on. But not enough attention has been paid to the theme of concept and cultural identity in artistic creation. The first chapter mainly introduces the origin of comprehensive material media creation and the development of contemporary Chinese art materials creation in 20 years. The second chapter points out the importance of cultural theme and social identity expression in the creation of comprehensive material media works of art, citing foreign artists Boys, Rochenberg and Chinese artists Chen Zhen, Cai Guoqiang. Xu Bing's internationally renowned artists' interpretation of cultural themes in their works and the integration of their social identities in their creations. The third chapter puts forward three ways of static, dynamic and audience interaction constructively. The fourth chapter points out the reason why Chinese artists have few outstanding works in comprehensive material art in recent years.
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