[Abstract]:This paper mainly starts with feminism, studies the artistic works of female artists who present their body independently in their artistic expression, and analyzes the artistic characteristics and historical context of such works by means of case study and type investigation. The origin and development, the influence of what kind of social factors, the hidden motives and intentions of the artists behind this kind of works, These can reflect how the social status and psychological changes and power of women in an era are applied in art. This article uses the text intensive reading case comparison research method, simultaneously consults the philosophy, the psychology viewpoint carries on the comparative analysis, combs again, classifies, finally unifies with the Chinese contemporary art actual situation. We can more clearly interpret the development direction of Chinese female body art. I think this sort of arrangement has practical reference value for those who want to study female body art and make artistic creation in this respect. The art of female body will be guided by the good way, and also contribute to the study of gender in art.
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