[Abstract]:In the 18 th century, the delicate, exquisite and luxurious Rococo style became popular in France and quickly affected all parts of Europe. Rococo's artistic style was established on the basis of Baroque's style, and its formation was directly related to the veneration of Chinese art prevailing in France at that time. Chinese works of art have been continuously sold to France through frequent overseas trade, which has made the upper class of France have a strong interest in Chinese palace art, social background, missionary ideological and cultural dissemination, and other factors. All of them provide favorable conditions for French Rococo style to be influenced by Chinese art in painting, arts and crafts, architecture and gardens in the 18 th century. There are four chapters in the text. The first chapter reviews the purpose and significance of the topic, as well as the previous research situation, and gives an overview of the research content and research methods of this paper. The second chapter delimits the period of Rococo style in the social and cultural background of the two countries in the 18th century, and sums up the characteristics of its artistic style, paving the way for the following discussion. The third chapter discusses the influence of Chinese art on the French Rococo style, which is also the focus of this paper. It will paint, craft art on the French Rococo style from five aspects, such as subject matter, line, color, modeling, space, etc. Garden architecture art and other aspects of the performance of Chinese elements for detailed analysis and illustration. The fourth chapter analyzes the influence factors of Chinese art on Rococo style from the aspects of social politics, trade intercourse, missionary's ideological and cultural communication, aesthetic and cultural consciousness, philosophy, etc. It is no accident that the formation of Rococo's artistic style is influenced by Chinese painting, architecture and garden, arts and crafts, etc. It is no accident that France advocated the court culture and aesthetics of the Qing Dynasty in the same period. In addition, the collection and re-creation of works of art brought about by the circulation of overseas trade, the exchange of ideology, culture, aesthetic and cultural consciousness between the two countries promoted by missionaries as cultural emissaries, These factors made it inevitable that the French Rococo style in the 18th century was influenced by Chinese art and absorbed Chinese elements in the process so that the works of art were endowed with Chinese flavor.
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