发布时间:2019-03-06 12:11
【摘要】: 翻译活动是涉及到原作、原作者、译作、译者和译文读者在内的一项创造性的活动。整个翻译过程可以粗略分为两个阶段:译者对原文的理解阶段;读者对译文的理解阶段。这两个阶段之间存在着内在的联系,这种联系是通过译文建立的。译文读者正是通过译文这座桥梁去了解、欣赏原作的。 然而,长期以来,译界人士的注意力主要放在了翻译第一阶段中的主客体,他们关注原作者、原文、译者和译文,以及相互之间的作用和关系,而忽略了第二阶段中的主体读者对翻译活动所具有的能动性。事实上,作为一种行为,翻译有其明显的目的性,任何翻译作品都是为其读者服务的。只有得到读者的接受和认可,翻译作品才可能有其存在的空间。因此,在一定程度上,译者应该在翻译过程中考虑读者及读者的接受水平和阅读需求,并创作出符合读者需求的译本,而并非一味忠实地步原作者的后尘。 20世纪60年代发韧于德国的接受理论(接受美学)强调文本的开放性和读者对文本阐释的重要作用,打破了文本中心论封闭的语言系统,把读者中心论推向高潮。接受理论对文学翻译研究有重大的意义,它确立了读者的在翻译活动中的地位和作用:译文读者作为一个不可缺少、与译者密切相关的主体,他们在文化传统、语言审美、意识形态等方面与原文读者的差异往往对译者的翻译活动有直接的影响。 本文从读者的角度出发,借鉴文学理论中的接受美学有关读者的主动参与构建文本的思想,对翻译史上有关译者在翻译过程中关照读者的现象进行归纳,并以曾胡的著名译作《荆棘鸟》为例,分析探讨译者对读者关照的方面、表现特点以及对读者关照所采用的翻译方法。全文共分五部分: 序言,介绍了本论文研究背景以及研究意义,分析了传统的翻译理论,这些理论均以文本为中心,忽视了读者在翻译过程中的作用。然后就目前译界对读者关照这一议题的研究现状作了简要分析,最后介绍了本文探讨译者对读者关注的思路 第一章,详细回顾和梳理了中外翻译史上译者对读者的关照现象。作者通过分析这些现象观察到,中外许多译者在翻译过程中都自觉或不自觉地注意到了目的语读者及他们在翻译过程中所起的积极作用,并对其进行关照。由于这方面的见解都未形成系统的理论,译者对读者的关照作为研究译本的一个全新的视角,值得广大翻译者进行研究。 第二章,分析了译文读者在文学翻译中的作用。先探讨了文学翻译的特点,接着以接受美学中的有关理论为依据对接受的主体一读者进行分析,并结合翻译过程中译者与原作者及译者与读者的两次对话和译者与读者的两次接受活动,论述了读者对文本有积极建构的作用。 第三章,基于对全国的畅销书《荆棘鸟》中有关读者关照的实例分析,本文认为:译者曾胡从三方面关照中国读者,即语言习惯,文化审美情趣以及认知水平。本文认为对读者的关照,一方面要迁就读者现有的阅读习惯和接受水平,另一方面要向读者输入异质性文化成分,提高读者的认知能力。 第四章探讨了在中文版的《荆棘鸟》中译者对译语读者关照的方法。本文介绍了直译和意译,归化和异化,以及翻译补偿五种翻译方法。指出直译意译是语言层面上的翻译方法,,异化归化是文化层面上的翻译策略,而翻译补偿是在出现不可译的情况下使用,或是作为其他翻译方法的补充。作者认为,译者对读者关照是多种翻译方法共同作用的结果。 在前四章分析的基础上,本文最后得出结论:通过对《荆棘鸟》译本中译者对读者的关照现象进行分析,作者认为,这部翻译作品的成功离不开译者对读者的关照。译者在翻译过程中不能忽略读者,应该关照读者,关照读者的阅读水平和阅读需求,并根据译语读者的现实的阅读水平和阅读需求,采取合适的可行的关照译语读者的方法。另外,对读者进行关照只是译者选择技巧时需要考虑的一方面,译者的个性、文本的性质及翻译的目的都对译者翻译方法和翻译策略的选择有重要影响。
[Abstract]:Translation is a creative activity involving the original, the original author, the translator, the translator and the reader. The whole translation process can be roughly divided into two stages: the translator's understanding of the original text; the reader's understanding of the translation. There is an intrinsic link between the two stages, which is established by the translation. The reader is through the translation of the bridge to understand and appreciate the original. However, for a long time, the attention of the translation community has been focused on the main object in the first stage of the translation, and they are concerned about the original author, the original text, the translator and the translation, as well as the function of each other. And the main reader in the second stage is omitted for the translation activity. In fact, as an act, translation has its clear purpose, and any translated work is its reader Service has only to be accepted and accepted by the reader, and the translated works may be present. Therefore, to a certain extent, the translator should take into account the acceptance level and the reading demand of the reader and the reader in the course of translation, and create a translation that is in conformity with the needs of the reader, not the original author In the 1960 's, the theory of acceptance in Germany (the acceptance of aesthetics) emphasized the openness of the text and the important role of the reader in the interpretation of the text, and broke the closed language system of the text-centered theory and applied the reader to the reader. The theory of acceptance is of great significance to the research of literary translation, and it has established the position and function of the reader in the translation activity: as an indispensable, the subject closely related to the translator, they are in culture The difference between the traditional, the language, the ideology and so on is often the translator's translation. This paper, from the reader's point of view, draws on the idea of the reader's active participation in the construction of the text from the reader's point of view, and sums up the phenomenon of the translator's attention to the reader in the process of translation, An example of the famous translation and the analysis of the translator's aspects of reader's attention, the characteristic of performance and the reading The people take care of the turnover used The text is divided into five parts: the preface, the background of the study and the significance of the research, the traditional translation theory is analyzed, and these theories are centered on the text In this paper, the role of the reader in the process of translation is ignored. This paper discusses the translator's thought of the reader's attention in the first chapter. Through the analysis of these phenomena, many translators of China and foreign countries have consciously or unconsciously paid attention to the reader of the target language and them in the process of translation. The translator's attention to the reader is the translation of the study because of the unformation of the theory of the system. A new angle of view is worth the study of the translator. In the second chapter, the paper analyzes the role of the reader in the translation of literature. It first discusses the characteristics of the literary translation, and then analyzes the subject's readers according to the relevant theories in the acceptance of the aesthetics, and combines the translator with the original author and the original author in the process of translation. The translator and the reader's two dialogues and the translator and the reader In the third chapter, based on the analysis of the examples of the reader's attention in the best-selling book of the whole country, the author thinks that the translator has been from three to three. In this paper, the author takes care of the Chinese readers, namely, the language habit, the cultural aesthetic taste and the cognitive level. In this paper, the reader's attention is considered, and on the one hand, the reader's existing reading habits and the acceptance level are to be changed. On the other hand, it is necessary to input a heterogeneous cultural component to the reader and improve the reader's cognitive ability. The fourth chapter discusses the translator's concern to the translator in Chinese version. This paper introduces the translation methods of the translation and the translation, the domestication and the dissimilation, and the translation compensation. It is pointed out that the literal translation is the translation method at the linguistic level, and the dissimilation and the domestication are the translation strategies on the cultural level. The translation compensation is used in the event of non-translation, or as an alternative to the translation The author holds that the translator's attention to the reader is the result of the co-operation of a variety of translation methods. On the basis of the analysis of the first four chapters, the paper concludes that the translator is not interested in the reader In the process of translation, the translator should take care of the reader and take care of the reader's reading level and reading demand, and according to the author's opinion, the translator should take care of the reader and take care of the reader's reading and reading needs. In addition, the translator's attention is only one aspect of the translator's selection technique.
[Abstract]:Translation is a creative activity involving the original, the original author, the translator, the translator and the reader. The whole translation process can be roughly divided into two stages: the translator's understanding of the original text; the reader's understanding of the translation. There is an intrinsic link between the two stages, which is established by the translation. The reader is through the translation of the bridge to understand and appreciate the original. However, for a long time, the attention of the translation community has been focused on the main object in the first stage of the translation, and they are concerned about the original author, the original text, the translator and the translation, as well as the function of each other. And the main reader in the second stage is omitted for the translation activity. In fact, as an act, translation has its clear purpose, and any translated work is its reader Service has only to be accepted and accepted by the reader, and the translated works may be present. Therefore, to a certain extent, the translator should take into account the acceptance level and the reading demand of the reader and the reader in the course of translation, and create a translation that is in conformity with the needs of the reader, not the original author In the 1960 's, the theory of acceptance in Germany (the acceptance of aesthetics) emphasized the openness of the text and the important role of the reader in the interpretation of the text, and broke the closed language system of the text-centered theory and applied the reader to the reader. The theory of acceptance is of great significance to the research of literary translation, and it has established the position and function of the reader in the translation activity: as an indispensable, the subject closely related to the translator, they are in culture The difference between the traditional, the language, the ideology and so on is often the translator's translation. This paper, from the reader's point of view, draws on the idea of the reader's active participation in the construction of the text from the reader's point of view, and sums up the phenomenon of the translator's attention to the reader in the process of translation, An example of the famous translation and the analysis of the translator's aspects of reader's attention, the characteristic of performance and the reading The people take care of the turnover used The text is divided into five parts: the preface, the background of the study and the significance of the research, the traditional translation theory is analyzed, and these theories are centered on the text In this paper, the role of the reader in the process of translation is ignored. This paper discusses the translator's thought of the reader's attention in the first chapter. Through the analysis of these phenomena, many translators of China and foreign countries have consciously or unconsciously paid attention to the reader of the target language and them in the process of translation. The translator's attention to the reader is the translation of the study because of the unformation of the theory of the system. A new angle of view is worth the study of the translator. In the second chapter, the paper analyzes the role of the reader in the translation of literature. It first discusses the characteristics of the literary translation, and then analyzes the subject's readers according to the relevant theories in the acceptance of the aesthetics, and combines the translator with the original author and the original author in the process of translation. The translator and the reader's two dialogues and the translator and the reader In the third chapter, based on the analysis of the examples of the reader's attention in the best-selling book of the whole country, the author thinks that the translator has been from three to three. In this paper, the author takes care of the Chinese readers, namely, the language habit, the cultural aesthetic taste and the cognitive level. In this paper, the reader's attention is considered, and on the one hand, the reader's existing reading habits and the acceptance level are to be changed. On the other hand, it is necessary to input a heterogeneous cultural component to the reader and improve the reader's cognitive ability. The fourth chapter discusses the translator's concern to the translator in Chinese version. This paper introduces the translation methods of the translation and the translation, the domestication and the dissimilation, and the translation compensation. It is pointed out that the literal translation is the translation method at the linguistic level, and the dissimilation and the domestication are the translation strategies on the cultural level. The translation compensation is used in the event of non-translation, or as an alternative to the translation The author holds that the translator's attention to the reader is the result of the co-operation of a variety of translation methods. On the basis of the analysis of the first four chapters, the paper concludes that the translator is not interested in the reader In the process of translation, the translator should take care of the reader and take care of the reader's reading level and reading demand, and according to the author's opinion, the translator should take care of the reader and take care of the reader's reading and reading needs. In addition, the translator's attention is only one aspect of the translator's selection technique.
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1 贾荔芳;文学翻译中的译者主体性[D];河北师范大学;2011年