奈达的功能对等理论在Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets两个译本中的体现
发布时间:2017-05-31 20:08
本文关键词:奈达的功能对等理论在Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets两个译本中的体现,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。
【关键词】:功能对等 魔幻小说 翻译
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-9
- Introduction9-11
- Motivation and Significance of the Thesis9
- Data Collection and Research Method9-10
- The Structure of the Thesis10
- The Creativity of the Research10-11
- Chapter1 Literature Review11-15
- 1.1 The Introduction of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets11-13
- 1.1.1 The General Introduction of the Author and Her Novel11-12
- 1.1.2 The General Introduction of the Two Chinese translated versions and theTranslators12-13
- 1.2 Literature Feature of the Novel13-15
- 1.2.1 The Common Features of the Novel13
- 1.2.2 The Special Features of the Novel13-15
- Chapter 2. Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory15-25
- 2.1The Background of“Functional Equivalence”Theory15-17
- 2.2 The Main Contents of“Functional Equivalence”Theory17-23
- 2.2.1 Formal Equivalence17-19
- 2.2.2Dynamic Equivalence19-21
- 2.2.3 Functional Equivalence21-23
- 2.3 Feasibility of Functional Equivalence Theory in Guiding Translation of HarryPotter and the Chamber of Secrets23-25
- Chapter3. A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions with Reference to FunctionalEquivalence25-54
- 3.1 Notion Equivalence25-29
- 3.2 Contextual Equivalence29-33
- 3.3 Formal Equivalence33-36
- 3.4 Stylistic equivalence36-38
- 3.5 Rhetorical Equivalence38-49
- 3.5.1 Metaphor39-41
- 3.5.2 Simile41-43
- 3.5.3 Rhetorical Question43-44
- 3.5.4 Onomatopoeia44-47
- 3.5.5 Figurative Equivalence in Some Other Figures of Speech47-49
- 3.6 Cultural Equivalence49-54
- Chapter4. The Methods of Achieving the Corresponding Text in Translation54-69
- 4.1. Corresponding conversion54-62
- 4.1.1. Meaning Correspondence55-57
- 4.1.2 Parts of Speech Correspondence57-60
- 4.1.3 Sentence Correspondence60-62
- 4.2. Parallel conversion62-64
- 4.3 Alternative conversion64-66
- 4.4 Conflict Conversion66-69
- Chapter 5 Conclusion69-71
- 5.1 Summery and Major Findings69-70
- 5.2 Importance and Significance of the Thesis70
- 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions70-71
- Bibliography71-74
- 攻读硕士学位期间所发表的学术论文74-76
- Acknowledgements76
中国期刊全文数据库 前4条
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2 孙乐;;小议奈达的功能对等[J];科技信息;2010年33期
3 谭旭东;;当代儿童文学的发展轨迹及创作倾向[J];咸阳师范学院学报;2009年03期
4 任凌云;;浅析哈利·波特系列小说中的象征符号[J];苏州教育学院学报;2007年01期
本文关键词:奈达的功能对等理论在Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets两个译本中的体现,,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。