发布时间:2017-09-17 03:32
更多相关文章: 辛格短篇小说 叙事学 叙事结构模式 叙事构成策略 叙事修辞策略
【摘要】:在美国文学史上,犹太作家艾萨克·巴·辛格占有极其重要的地位。他坚持用意第绪语写作,关注犹太民族的生活状况,用自己独特的叙事手法把犹太文学的主题及人物的塑造发挥的淋漓尽致。在此基础上,把传统和当代文学有机结合在一起。辛格短篇小说是其创作的精华,成功之处在于其叙事技巧和叙事策略的运用。辛格短篇小说独特的叙事风格成为他文学创作的亮点。 本论文以叙事学为理论基础,以多篇辛格短篇小说为文本,主要从叙事结构模式、叙事构成策略和叙事修辞策略几个方面分析和探讨了辛格短篇小说中的叙事策略,从而挖掘出其短篇小说叙事策略对主题烘托作用,对斯宾诺莎理论构建作用以及对国内文学创作折射作用。解读犹太人的生活状态,乃至现代人在当代社会的生活状态。
【关键词】:辛格短篇小说 叙事学 叙事结构模式 叙事构成策略 叙事修辞策略
- Abstract6-7
- 摘要7-8
- Contents8-10
- Chapter One Introduction10-15
- 1.1 The Research Content of Thesis10-11
- 1.2 The Research Significance of Thesis11-12
- 1.3 The Research Status at Home and Abroad12-15
- Chapter Two Isaac Bashevis Singer and his works15-19
- 2.1 General Introduction of Isaac Bashevis Singer15-16
- 2.2 Interpretation of Singer's Works and their Themes16-17
- 2.3 Summary of the Narrative Techniques in Singer's Short Stories17-19
- Chapter Three Theoretical Basis19-27
- 3.1 Basic Points of Narratology19-23
- 3.1.1 Narrative Time20
- 3.1.2 Narrative Story20-22
- 3.1.3 Narrative Text22-23
- 3.2 Basic Points of Fictional Narrative Theory23-27
- 3.2.1 Elements of Fictional Narrative Theory23-24
- 3.2.2 Basic Modes of Fictional Narrative Theory24-26
- 3.2.3 Rhetoric of Fictional Narrative Theory26-27
- Chapter Four Narrative Strategy Embodied in Singer's Short Stories27-42
- 4.1 Narrative Structural Mode Embodied in Singer's Short Stories27-34
- 4.1.1 Perfect-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories27-29
- 4.1.2 Inner-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories29-32
- 4.1.3 Out-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories32-34
- 4.2 Constituent Strategy of Singer's Short Stories34-37
- 4.2.1 Arts of Characterization in Singer's Short Stories34-36
- 4.2.2 Theme Expression of Singer's Short Stories36-37
- 4.3 Rhetorical Strategy of Singer's Short Stories37-42
- 4.3.1 Humorous Strategy of Singer's Short Stories38-39
- 4.3.2 Descripctive Strategy of Singer's Short Stories39-42
- Chapter Five Literary Value of Singer's Narrative Strategies42-47
- 5.1 Positive Effect to the Theme of Singer's Short Stories42-43
- 5.2 Constructive Reaction to Spinoza Theory43-45
- 5.3 Effective Reflection to Domestic Literature Creation45-47
- Chapter Six Conclusion47-49
- References49-51
- Acknowledgements51
中国期刊全文数据库 前7条
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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
1 李乃刚;辛格短篇小说的叙事学研究[D];上海外国语大学;2012年