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发布时间:2018-05-21 16:10

  本文选题:詹姆逊 + 文学观 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:弗雷德里克·詹姆逊是美国当代最著名的西方马克思主义理论家,他从马克思主义的立场对文学提出独特的见解,并由此形成了自己卓具特色的文学批评理论,并以自己的理论和方法进行卓具成效的批评实践,在当今马克思主义文论界乃至整个美学界达到较高水平。本文主要分析了詹姆逊的文学观,从不同方面论述了他的文学批评理论,并结合他的文学批评实践——对第三世界文学的批评,探讨了詹姆逊在文学研究过程中的独特见解以及不足之处。 文章共分四个部分,第一部分从詹姆逊对文学的界定入手,从文学的本质、文学的特性方面分析了他文学观的内涵,认为詹姆逊在坚持传统马克思主义的意识形态、历史主义理论的基础上,结合西方当代其它文论提出了独特的文学概念,并以此为基础,进一步研究他的文学批评理论。 文章的第二部从几个方面了分析詹姆逊的文学批评理论。首先是批评原则,即历史的和美学的原则。认为詹姆逊摒弃了传统的马克思主义理论中历史主义的观点,,将历史看作只是一个缺席的存在,历史以文本的方式反映的是作者和读者的历史观念,从而必然存在有断裂和空隙,而马克思主义却为我们提供了方法能透过这些断裂,使我们看到了被生产方式制约的文学文本、意识形态和上层建筑等因素的真实的意义,看到了被文本的历史所掩盖的历史真实。其次,文章从詹姆逊对中世纪基督教的阐释体系的改造入手,论述了詹姆逊独特的“符码转换”的文本阅读方式。再次,文章从历史、社会和生产方式三个方面分析了詹姆逊文学批评所采用的逐层递进的三个同心圆的分析模式。最后文章从詹姆逊的文学入手结合对具体文本的分析,认
[Abstract]:Frederick Jameson is the most famous contemporary Western Marxist theorist in the United States. From the standpoint of Marxism, Fredrik Jameson put forward his unique views on literature and formed his own distinctive literary criticism theory. And with his own theory and method to carry on the outstanding effective criticism practice, in the Marxism literary theory circle and even the entire esthetics academic circle achieves the higher level. This paper mainly analyzes Jameson's view of literature, discusses his theory of literary criticism from different aspects, and combines his practice of literary criticism-criticism of third World literature. This paper probes into Jameson's unique views and shortcomings in the process of literary research. The article is divided into four parts. The first part begins with Jameson's definition of literature, analyzes the connotation of his literary view from the point of view of the essence and characteristics of literature, and holds that Jameson is adhering to the ideology of traditional Marxism. On the basis of historicism theory and combining with other contemporary western literary theories, this paper puts forward a unique literary concept, and on this basis, further studies his theory of literary criticism. The second part analyzes Jameson's theory of literary criticism from several aspects. The first is the critical principle, that is, the historical and aesthetic principles. It is believed that Jameson abandoned the historical view in the traditional Marxist theory and regarded history as an absent existence. History reflects the historical ideas of the author and the reader in the form of text. Thus there must be cracks and gaps, but Marxism provides us with a way through which we can see the true meaning of literary texts, ideologies, superstructures and other factors that are constrained by the mode of production. See the historical truth that is concealed by the history of the text. Secondly, the article begins with Jameson's transformation of medieval Christian interpretation system, and discusses Jameson's unique way of reading code conversion. Thirdly, the paper analyzes three concentric circles of Jameson's literary criticism from three aspects of history, society and mode of production. Finally, the article starts with Jameson's literature and analyzes the concrete text.


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