[Abstract]:Translator is the most active factor in the process of translation. In the process of translation, he must give full play to his subjectivity, not only in his understanding of the original text, but also in his re-creation in the target language. The subjective role of the translator exists objectively, however, the traditional translation theory often ignores the translator as the most positive factor in the translation activities. In fact, in the traditional translation theory, the translator is generally in an insignificant position. With the "cultural turn" of translation studies, the subject of translation has received due attention and gradually moved to depth. The translator's subjectivity is most prominent in literary translation, which is determined by the characteristics of literary works. Literary translation is essentially the art of understanding and expressing meaning. The meaning of literary text is open and suspended, so its understanding is more subjective than other text types. As we all know, any translation begins with understanding, and hermeneutics is a study of meaning understanding and interpretation. From the perspective of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, this paper focuses on the reflection of the translator's subjectivity in the process of translation, affirms the translator's initiative and creativity in the process of translation, and points out the choice of the translation version. The determination of translation aims and strategies to the interpretation of the works and the artistic re-creation at the linguistic level are the embodiment of the translator's subjectivity. The translator's subjectivity is the key to the success of translation and the charm of translation. At the same time, the author points out its limitations. The study of translator's subjectivity is a new subject in translation studies. The study of translator's subjectivity is of great significance not only to the study of translation and translation criticism, but also to the study of the relationship between Chinese and foreign literature and the writing of the history of translation literature. Finally, the paper points out some problems in subjectivity research, which need to be further studied and solved.
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