本文关键词: 对外汉语教学 课程测试 精读课 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:课程测试在对外汉语教学中占有非常重要的地位,它如影随形地伴随着教学计划的推进,同时又对教和学双方有着全面而直接的检验和反馈作用。如此看来,对课程测试的重视和了解程度会直接影响到测试的质量,从而进一步影响到教和学双方最终达到理想的效果。然而近年来国内外在对外汉语教学课程测试方面的研究还不是很多,因而间接地影响到我们在实际的测试活动中对测试质量和有效性的综合性评估的关注也不是很多。在读研期间,有幸参加了我院汉语言本科班的期末课程测试的审卷工作,从而发现了一些问题。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,通过所收集到的试题与试卷分析,对辽宁大学汉语言本科班精读课的课程测试进行了比较客观、全面的考查。本文首先阐述了论文的研究背景与意义,研究范围与对象,研究思路与方法, 同时对课程测试的相关理论知识进行了梳理;接着重点分析了课程测试的内容,其中包括测试的目的、特点、功能、以及试卷的编写原则;然后选取了辽宁大学汉语言本科班课精读课程期末测试作为研究对象,对其现状进行考察、分析和评价,主要从试卷命题和测试结果反馈这两个方面进行说明,指出在这两个环节中所存在的问题;最后,,针对所存在的问题,对汉语言本科班精读课程期末测试提出一些改进的想法建议,为最终提高我们的教学质量,以期达到更好的教学效果尽出一份自己的绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Curriculum testing plays a very important role in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. It is accompanied by the advancement of the teaching plan, and at the same time, it has a comprehensive and direct test and feedback to both teachers and learners. The importance and understanding of the course test will directly affect the quality of the test. This will further affect the teachers and learners to achieve the desired results. However, in recent years, there are not many studies on the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language curriculum test. As a result, there is not much focus on comprehensive assessment of test quality and effectiveness in actual testing activities. I was lucky to take part in the examination of the final course test of the undergraduate class of Chinese language in our college, and found some problems. Based on the previous research results, this paper collected the examination questions and the analysis of the papers. This paper makes a more objective and comprehensive examination on the course test of intensive reading in the Chinese language undergraduate course of Liaoning University. Firstly, this paper expounds the research background and significance, the research scope and object, the ideas and methods of the research. At the same time, the relevant theoretical knowledge of curriculum testing is combed. Then it analyzes the content of the course test, including the purpose, characteristics, function and the principle of writing the test paper. Then we select the final test of the intensive reading course of Liaoning University as the research object, investigate, analyze and evaluate the current situation, mainly from the test paper proposition and test results feedback to explain the two aspects. The problems in these two links are pointed out. Finally, in view of the existing problems, the paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the final test of intensive reading in Chinese undergraduate course, so as to improve the quality of our teaching. In order to achieve a better teaching effect to contribute to their own modest force.
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