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发布时间:2018-01-29 11:45

  本文关键词: 系统功能语言学 多模态话语分析 视觉语法 听觉语法 《仙剑奇侠传三》 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:休闲娱乐已经成为数字化时代的一个重要特征,而电脑游戏也已经成为人们休闲娱乐活动中最为流行的一个部分。中国网络游戏产业在过去几十年取得了长足的进步,,而《仙剑奇侠传》系列则是中国游戏史上至今无法超越的巅峰之作。以中国传统文化为依托的《仙剑奇侠传》系列开创了国产网络游戏的发展之路,同时也奠定了之后十年国产网络游戏的模式和发展方向(李新科,2006)。如何利用国产网络游戏保护和发扬中国传统文化及其价值观念,已经成为一个重要课题摆在中国游戏产业面前。 二十世纪九十年代,以韩礼德的系统功能语言学为理论基础的多模态话语理论悄然兴起。多模态话语是指运用听觉、视觉、触觉等多种感觉,通过语言、图像、声音、动作等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现象。网络游戏作为计算机技术和传统娱乐活动的结合物,是集音频、视频、三维立体动画等多种模态为一体的多模态语篇。通过多模态话语理论分析中国传统文化元素在《仙剑奇侠传三》中的实际运用,将有助于类似国产网络游戏的设计与开发。 本研究的语料是《仙剑奇侠传三》正式版,包括语言文字、图像和声音等多种模态。本文以系统功能语言学为理论基础,结合Kress和vanLeeuwen的“视觉语法”和vanLeeuwen的“听觉语法”,从诗词,服装,背景音乐三种符号模态解读《仙剑奇侠传三》,并借以探讨三种不同模态是如何体现了中国传统文化元素。本文采用的研究方法是理论研究和语料分析相结合的定性研究方法。通过分析,本文尝试证明多模态话语理论的分析框架可以解读网络游戏《仙 剑奇侠传三》,同时也希望展现多种符号模态是如何具体体现了中国的传统文化元素。对《仙剑奇侠传三》中的中国传统文化元素的多模态话语分析,将网络游戏纳入多模态话语理论的研究范畴,丰富了多模态语篇分析,同时,也为网络游戏产业的从业人员提供了多样化的游戏设计视角,有利于开发出具有中国文化特色的游戏作品,促进我国网络游戏产业的进一步发展。
[Abstract]:Leisure and entertainment has become an important feature of the digital age. Computer games have become the most popular part of people's leisure and entertainment activities. China's online games industry has made great progress in the past few decades. The Chinese Paladin series is the pinnacle of Chinese game history. The Chinese Paladin series based on Chinese traditional culture has opened the way for the development of domestic online games. At the same time, it also establishes the pattern and development direction of domestic online games in the following ten years (Li Xinke / 2006). How to use domestic online games to protect and carry forward Chinese traditional culture and its values. Has become an important topic in China's game industry in front of. In 1990s, the theory of multimodal discourse, which is based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics, emerged quietly. Multimodal discourse refers to the use of auditory, visual, tactile and other senses through language. Image, sound, action and other means of communication and symbol resources phenomenon. As a combination of computer technology and traditional entertainment, online games is a collection of audio and video. This paper analyzes the practical application of Chinese traditional cultural elements in Chinese Paladin III through multi-modal discourse theory. Will help similar to the design and development of domestic online games. The corpus of this study is the official version of Chinese Paladin III, which includes several modes, such as language, text, image and sound. This thesis is based on systemic functional linguistics. Combine Kress and vanLeeuwen's "Visual Grammar" and vanLeeuwen's "auditory Grammar" from poetry to clothing. Interpretation of three symbolic modes of background Music: Chinese Paladin III. This paper discusses how the three different modes embody the elements of Chinese traditional culture. The research method adopted in this paper is the qualitative research method which combines theoretical research with corpus analysis. This paper attempts to prove that the analytical framework of multimodal discourse theory can be used to interpret online games. At the same time, I hope to show how the various symbolic modes embody the elements of Chinese traditional culture. The multi-modal discourse analysis of the elements of Chinese traditional culture in "Chinese Paladin III". Bringing online games into the field of multi-modal discourse theory enriches multi-modal discourse analysis and provides a variety of game design perspectives for online game industry practitioners. It is beneficial to develop the game works with Chinese cultural characteristics and promote the further development of China's online game industry.


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