本文关键词: 汉语国际教育 海南 调查研究 出处:《海南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid and sustained economic development of our country, the cause of international Chinese education is booming. According to the Plan for studying abroad in China issued by the Ministry of Education on 2010, it is expected that by 2020, China will become the largest destination for studying abroad in Asia. Hainan is promoting the construction of an international tourist island in an all-round way, with a unique natural ecological and climatic environment. It is urgent to expand the opening up to the outside world and enhance the international elements. The promotion of international Chinese education in Hainan will play an important supporting role in developing Hainan's economy and strengthening international educational and cultural exchanges. It will play a positive role in promoting the construction of international tourism island, and benefit from Hainan's unique regional cultural advantages and the advantages of regional policy support for the construction of international tourism island. In turn, it plays a great role in promoting the development of Chinese international education. Hainan has started Chinese international education since 1988, and has been developing slowly for a long time, so it is urgent to step up the pace of development. Where does the problem of restricting development come from? It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth investigation into the overall situation of Hainan's Chinese international education, to find out the root causes of restricting development, and to combine the successful experiences and good practices at home and abroad. This paper, through investigation and research, investigates the situation and influencing factors of Hainan's Chinese international education, and describes comprehensively and systematically the basic situation of Hainan's Chinese international education. Including the development of international Chinese education in Hainan universities and various educational institutions, the degree of concern and support for international Chinese education at the government level, and through a comparative study of the practices of international Chinese education in the two provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of Hainan's development of Chinese international education, probes into the strategies of Hainan's further development of Chinese international education, and puts forward the policies and measures for Hainan to promote Chinese international education in the future. This paper is divided into six chapters: chapter one, introduction, It includes the origin of the research, the purpose and significance of the research, the previous studies, the key contents, the research objects and the research methods. Chapter two, the course and the general situation of the international education of Chinese language in Hainan Province are expounded. The third chapter analyzes the problems existing in the development of Hainan's Chinese international education. Chapter 4th compares and studies the development of Chinese international education in Yunnan and Guangxi provinces and regions. The design arrangement of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the main reasons for the rapid development of Chinese international education, and the comparison of the reasons for the backwardness of Hainan Chinese international education. Chapter 5th, Put forward the development strategy of Hainan Chinese international education. 6th chapter, conclusion, summarize the thesis.
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