本文关键词: 接着 跟着 语义特征 句法结构 语法化 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《现代汉语词典》(第5版)指出,“接着”和“跟着”均可用作动词,其中“跟着”还有副词用法,而它们能否作为介词和连词出现?“接着”是否还有副词的用法?若答案是肯定的,那么其中的语法化机制又是什么?这三个问题正是本文所要解决的问题、探讨的核心。 本文首先在共时平面上对其语义特征和句法结构进行分析,再在历时平面上从语法化角度出发分别对其形成机制和诱因进行探讨。 本文主要由引言、正文和结论三个部分组成,主要内容如下: 第一部分是引言,介绍“接着”和“跟着”在词性界定方面和语法化方面的研究现状,以及本文的选题意义、研究方法和语料来源。 第二部分是正文,由四章组成: 第二章和第四章借助前人的词性分类手段,分别将虚词“接着”分为三类词——副词、介词和连词,将虚词“跟着”也分为三类词——副词、介词和连词,并在共时层面上对二者的语义特征和句法结构进行描述和分析。本文未从共时和历时层面上对“接着”和“跟着”的用法及特征进行比较,而是分别对二者的语义和句法进行描述,但在某种情况下,二者可以相互替换,这为笔者在分析二者的语法化机制提供了帮助。 第三章和第五章主要对二者的语法化过程和诱因以及虚化机制进行分析,分别从语言内部因素、认知心理因素和交际语用因素三个角度对“接着”和“跟着”进行较为细致的阐析。 最后一部分是结论,通过对“接着”和“跟着”的语法化分析中,我们得出,二者的语法化过程高度一致,只是在介词这个词性的语法化上存在些许差异。
[Abstract]:The Modern Chinese Dictionary (5th Edition) points out that "then" and "follow" can be used as verbs, in which "followed" has adverb usage, and can they appear as prepositions and conjunctions? Is there any use of adverbs for "followed"? If the answer is yes, what is the grammaticalization mechanism? These three problems are the core of this paper. This paper first analyzes its semantic features and syntactic structure on the synchronic plane and then discusses its formation mechanism and inducement from the perspective of grammaticalization in the diachronic plane. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows:. The first part is an introduction, which introduces the current research situation of the definition of part of speech and grammaticalization, as well as the significance of the topic, the research methods and the source of the corpus. The second part is the text, which consists of four chapters:. Chapter two and Chapter 4th divide the function word "then" into three kinds of words-adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions, and the function words "follow" into three kinds of words-adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. The semantic features and syntactic structure of the two are described and analyzed at the synchronic level. This paper does not compare the usage and features of "then" and "followed" from the synchronic and diachronic levels. They describe their semantics and syntax separately, but under certain circumstances, they can be replaced each other, which provides the help for the author to analyze the grammaticalization mechanism of them. Chapter three and Chapter 5th mainly analyze the grammaticalization process, inducement and the mechanism of vacuity, respectively, from the internal factors of language. Cognitive psychological factors and communicative pragmatic factors explain the following and follow in detail. The last part is the conclusion. Through the grammaticalization analysis of "followed" and "follow", we conclude that the grammaticalization of the two is highly consistent, but there are some differences in the grammaticalization of the preposition.
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