本文关键词: 多媒体教学 传统教学 华文课堂 菲律宾 效用 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:多媒体教学手段在第二语言教学领域已经广泛运用,可是在菲律宾华校的华文课堂教学中,多媒体教学手段尚未得到普及。但随着社会的不断发展进步,在菲律宾华文课堂推广多媒体教学手段的呼声越来越强烈。 笔者及多位同事在密三密斯光华中学从事汉语志愿教学期间,,曾尝试在华文课堂上使用多媒体辅助教学手段。立足于这一尝试,本文分别阐述传统教学手段以及多媒体教学手段在字词教学、句子教学、课文教学、课堂活动与管理等具体环节的教学情况。 本论文通过问卷调查和访谈的方法,再结合笔者在多媒体课堂的教学实践,探讨了多媒体教学手段在菲律宾华文课堂中的效用:1.展示更多信息,节省书写时间,提高课堂效率;2.生动、直观、情境化的内容符合当地学生形象思维突出的特点;3.各个语言点的教学环环相扣,练习形式多样化,交互性强;4.有利于扩展文化知识,有利于开展课堂活动和有效的管理课堂。5.弥补师资水平的差异以及教材的不足,且教学成果方便保存,优秀课件可供资源共享。 在总结菲律宾华文教学多媒体使用的优缺点的基础上,提出了相应的教学策略:1.知识容量适中,切记简单、直观;2.页面合理布局,功能特效恰当搭配,不可喧宾夺主;3.以学生为中心,设计交互性强、让学生轻松愉快的课件;4.提高汉语教师教学使用多媒体手段的能力;5.巧妙运用多媒体设备功能和特性,尽最大努力改善当前华语课堂管理较差的现象;6.改善多媒体教学硬件设施,保证多媒体教学正常进行;7.多媒体教学手段要和教师督导、板书等传统手段配合使用。
[Abstract]:Multimedia teaching has been widely used in the field of second language teaching, but it has not been popularized in Chinese classroom teaching in Chinese schools in the Philippines. However, with the continuous development and progress of society, the multimedia teaching method has been widely used in the field of second language teaching. There is a growing demand to promote multimedia teaching in the Philippine Chinese classroom. The author and many colleagues have tried to use multimedia assisted teaching in the Chinese language classroom during their Chinese voluntary teaching in Misamis Guanghua Middle School. This paper expounds the teaching situation of traditional teaching methods and multimedia teaching methods in the specific links of word teaching, sentence teaching, text teaching, classroom activities and management, etc. By means of questionnaire survey and interview, and combining with the author's teaching practice in multimedia classroom, this paper discusses the utility of multimedia teaching method in Philippine Chinese language classroom. 1. To display more information and save writing time. The contents of vivid, intuitive and situational contents accord with the prominent characteristics of the local students' image thinking. 3. The teaching of each language point is related to each other, the forms of practice are diversified, and the interaction is strong. 4. It is beneficial to expand cultural knowledge. It is beneficial to carrying out classroom activities and managing classroom effectively. 5. to make up for the difference of teachers' level and the shortage of teaching materials, and the teaching results are convenient to preserve, excellent courseware can be shared for resources. On the basis of summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia in Filipino Chinese teaching, this paper puts forward the corresponding teaching strategy:: 1.The knowledge capacity is moderate, the memory is simple, the visual is simple and 2.The page layout is reasonable, and the function special effect is properly matched. The Courseware, which is student-centered, has strong interaction and makes students relaxed and happy, should improve the ability of Chinese teachers to use multimedia means in teaching. 5. Skillfully use the functions and characteristics of multimedia equipment. Try our best to improve the poor management of the Chinese language classroom. 6. Improve the multimedia teaching hardware facilities to ensure the normal implementation of multimedia teaching. The multimedia teaching means should be used in coordination with traditional means such as teacher supervision, blackboard writing and so on.
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