本文选题:巴赫金 切入点:学习动机 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Looking back on the recent studies on the motivation of Chinese learning for foreign students, the theoretical framework and internal components of the motivation for learning Chinese are mostly studied, and the practice is guided by specific theories. In the review and interpretation of Bakhtin's theoretical literature at home and abroad, it is found that Bakhtin's theory has been developed by many scholars in the field of teaching. This paper attempts to apply it to the teaching practice of Chinese as a foreign language. Based on Dornyei's three-dimensional construction model of learning motivation, 62 foreign students in the intermediate stage of Chongqing University International College are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The present situation and level of basic learning motivation of foreign students are understood by means of questionnaire and interview, and the important links of motivating students' Chinese learning motivation are found out, and the unique perspective of Bakhtin's theory is used. From the point of view of teaching Chinese as a foreign language experiment, this paper attempts to make a more bold attempt at the reform of teaching Chinese as a foreign language experiment. In order to explore whether the reform of teaching experiment under Bakhtin's theory is helpful to improve the motivation of Chinese learning for international students in intermediate stage, the present situation and level of basic learning motivation of international students in intermediate stage are shown. Foreign students are greatly influenced by the three levels of motivation of Dornyei, which are language level, learner level and learning context level. The Chinese learning motivation factors of foreign students show the highest trend, which further indicates that motivation factors in learning context are the key factors to stimulate the Chinese learning motivation of international students in intermediate stage. Bakhtin's dialogue theory, carnival theory and space-time theory strengthen the main motivational factors in learning context by quoting and guiding in learning context. Foreign students are more interested in the adapted textbooks, more flexible in teaching style, and more active in communication among learning groups. Bakhtin's theory is of great theoretical and practical significance in motivating foreign students to learn Chinese. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions, according to Bakhtin's theory, to guide the practice of motivating Chinese learning motivation of foreign students. Chinese teachers should pay more attention to motivating and promoting the motivation of Chinese learning on the level of learning situation, and the compilers of Chinese textbooks can adapt Chinese textbooks appropriately according to Bakhtin's theory to promote the motivation of Chinese learning for foreign students. In the process of teaching, teachers should pay more attention to the dialogue with the foreign students, enhance the interaction between them, and promote the learning atmosphere of the foreign students. Improve the motivation of the students to learn Chinese as a whole.
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