本文选题:模糊限制语 切入点:英语经济新闻 出处:《兰州理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:模糊限制语,作为模糊语言的典型代表,自从被美国语言学家乔治·拉可夫(George Lakoff)于1972年提出以来,许多语言学家开始从不同领域如逻辑学、语义学、语用学及文体学等对其进行了大量研究。在不同的研究领域中模糊限制语的概念也是不同的。随着语用学的快速发展,对模糊限制语的研究越来越多引起了人们的关注。而在语用学领域,模糊限制语主要是作为一种语篇策略来运用的,旨在特定语境中达到某种交际的目的。 经济新闻在人们的日常生活中起着重要作用。经济新闻不仅要准确、客观和简洁地报道最新的经济信息,而且要具有可接受性和礼貌性。模糊限制语的在经济新闻中的使用恰好可以实现这些目的,从而达到新闻报道者和读者间的交流。尽管近年来有大量的英语经济新闻中模糊限制语的研究,但是对模糊限制语在中美英语经济新闻中使用的对比研究尚未发现。 本研究通过对两个自建的语料库,即以汉语为母语的和以英语为母语的中美英语经济新闻语料库进行定量和定性的对比分析,旨在探寻以汉语为母语和以英语为母语的新闻报道者在英语经济新闻报道中使用模糊限制语的异同。两个语料库由权威的《中国日报》和《纽约时报》中随机抽取的100篇英语经济新闻组成,所选新闻的时间跨度为2011年2月至11月。研究以Hyland对模糊限制语的定义和分类为基础,将模糊限制语分为倾向准确的模糊限制语,倾向作者的模糊限制语和倾向读者的模糊限制语三种类型。通过计算机和人工双重搜索,对三种类型在中美英语经济新闻中的分布和出现频率进行了统计和对比分析。通过对比分析,发现了中美英语经济新闻中模糊限制语的使用既有相似之处也有不同。 数据分析结果表明,模糊限制语在中美英语经济新闻中的大量存在且起着显著作用。从使用的数量和种类上来看,在美国英语经济新闻中使用的模糊限制语比在中国英语经济新闻中使用的更多。中美经济新闻中模糊限制语的使用类型和偏好也不尽相同。根据Verschueren页应理论,模糊限制语的使用是一个不断进行语言选择的结果,而其目的就是为了更好地顺应经济新闻的交际语境而实现特定的交际效果。在此理论基础上,本文对中美英语经济新闻中的模糊限制语做了语用分析,最后探讨了经济新闻报道中不可或缺的模糊限制语的语用功能,主要包括提高准确性功能,加强保护性功能,避免绝对化功能,达到礼貌功能和增强接受性功能,以利于新闻报道者更准确的使用模糊限制语,也有助于读者更好的把握经济新闻的内涵。
[Abstract]:Since George Lakoff, an American linguist, put forward hedges as a typical representative of vague language in 1972, many linguists have started from different fields such as logic and semantics.Pragmatics and stylistics have done a lot of research on it.The concept of hedges is different in different fields of study.With the rapid development of pragmatics, more and more attention has been paid to the study of hedges.In the field of pragmatics, hedges are mainly used as a discourse strategy to achieve a communicative purpose in a specific context.Economic news plays an important role in people's daily life.Economic news should not only report the latest economic information accurately, objectively and succinctly, but also be acceptable and polite.The use of hedges in economic news can achieve these goals and thus achieve the communication between news reporters and readers.Although there have been a lot of researches on hedges in English economic news in recent years, the contrastive study on the use of hedges in English economic news in China and America has not been found.This study makes a quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis of two self-built corpora, that is, the Chinese-native language and the English-native-speaking economic news corpus of China and the United States.The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences between the use of hedges in English economic news reports by Chinese and English native speakers.The two corpora are composed of 100 randomly selected English economic news articles from the authoritative China Daily and the New York Times. The selected news covers the period from February to November 2011.On the basis of Hyland's definition and classification of hedges, this paper classifies hedges into three types: those which tend to be accurate, those which tend to be the author's, and those which tend to the readers.The distribution and frequency of the three types of economic news in China and the United States are statistically analyzed and compared by computer and artificial search.Through comparative analysis, we find that there are similarities and differences in the use of hedges in Chinese and American economic news.The results of data analysis show that hedges play a significant role in the existence of English economic news in China and the United States.In terms of quantity and variety, more hedges are used in American English Economic News than in China English Economic News.The types and preferences of hedges in Chinese and American economic news are also different.According to Verschueren's page-response theory, the use of hedges is a result of continuous language selection, and its purpose is to achieve a specific communicative effect in order to better adapt to the communicative context of economic news.On the basis of this theory, this paper makes a pragmatic analysis of the hedges in economic news in China and the United States, and finally discusses the pragmatic functions of the hedges, which are indispensable in economic news reports, including improving the accuracy of the hedges.Strengthening the protective function, avoiding the absolute function, achieving the politeness function and enhancing the receptive function can help the news reporters to use the hedges more accurately, and also help the readers to grasp the connotation of economic news better.
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