发布时间:2018-04-05 13:46
本文选题:音韵学 切入点:许瀚 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:许瀚(1797—1866),字印林,清朝道光、咸丰时期山东著名的朴学家,于文献、金石、《说文》、方志、校勘、音韵、训诂等方面均有建树,他在学术上取得了非凡成就,并享有“北方学者君第一”的美誉。据笔者所知,目前学者对其学术研究主要集中在文献学、金石学、方志学和校勘学方面。许氏小学造诣颇深,于音韵学方面多有著述,然许瀚很少系统地阐述自己的音韵学观点,只是广泛征引古籍作为例证,再加上著作流传不广,学者研究资料有限等原因,目前学术界很少有人对其音韵学进行系统研究。 许瀚师从高邮王氏父子学习古音,论音以王念孙“古韵二十一部”为宗。同时,还与安丘王筠、肃宁苗夔、定海黄式三、济宁李联榜等人友朋问学,往返书信,共研音韵,许瀚在音韵学方面的著述与进步,离不开良师益友的帮助。许瀚研究音韵以汉字谐声、古诗文韵脚、经典异文、重文、古籍训诂资料、古今方言、连绵词、古代韵书与字书为主要材料,他通常采用比较法、分析法、文献考证法来研究韵字的韵部归属、韵部间的押韵关系等音韵问题。许氏“详考博征、阙疑征信”的治学态度深值赞许,他敢于质疑和否定,前人不当的说法,旁征博引,无征不信;在没有定论的地方,实事求是,姑存阙疑,保留意见。 《经韵》是许瀚研究音韵的代表作。许瀚仔细研读《尚书》《论语》《孟子》《左传》《孝经》等先秦古籍,摘录出经文中押韵的语句,析缕分条,于韵字后标注符号,,韵句中同一韵部的字用一种符号表示,不同韵部的字则用两种或两种以上符号来标明。许瀚于有韵之文后,或指明韵文所采用的韵式,或分析韵部间的用韵关系,或探讨韵字归属韵部的缘由,不一而足。通过研究发现,《经韵》囊括先秦诸子散文韵式韵例约二十余种,分别为“N句连韵”“N句一转韵”“N句间韵”“句首韵”“句尾韵”“首尾自韵”“同字为韵”“富韵”“一般转韵”“交韵”“抱韵”等;笔者根据《经韵》而作的韵字韵谱,与书中的韵文韵读相互参照、互为表里。许瀚《经韵》丰富王念孙《古韵谱》语料,增补订正江有诰《先秦韵读》多处,极具研究价值,但书中对系统的古韵理论总结不够,“合韵”的处理也失之宽泛。 许瀚利用音韵训释进行古籍校勘,扎实的古声韵知识是许瀚训释、校勘古典诗文经籍的有力工具。许瀚对音韵知识的具体应用主要表现在破读假借字、辨别古今字、审明句读、校勘古籍四方面。《〈韩诗外传〉校议》共列三十七条校语,其中,十七条采用音韵学知识来校勘:“破假借”者九条,“订错(简)讹(文)”者五条,“校脱(文)衍(文)”者两条,“校倒文”者一条;《〈古今字诂〉疏证》许瀚共疏证四十八条,其中二十三条以古声韵知识为理据来辨别古今字,论证张揖书中的得失之处。许瀚对音韵的使用得心应手,或纠正他人误说,或订正古书之讹误,多有创获,虽各别地方校勘不明,但其学术贡献不容小觑。 在清代,除曲阜孔广森以外,北方学者大都不精通声韵。唯独许瀚能通晓古音韵和古文字两门学问,并以此为工具来研究古代经籍,这正是他高出同侪的地方。因此,研究许瀚音韵学方面的贡献,无论是对许瀚个人学术成就的全面总结,还是对清代山东区域学术文化的整体认识,都有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Xu Han ( 1797 - 1866 ) , word - printed forest , Qing Dynasty Daoguang , Xianfeng period Shandong famous simple school , in the literature , Jin Shi , Yi said Wen Jie , Fang Zhi , collation , phonology , exegesis and so on , he has achieved remarkable achievements and enjoys the reputation of " the Northern scholar Jun First " .
Xu Han , from Gaoyou Wang ' s father and son , studied the ancient tones , and the sound of phonology is the main material of Wang and Sun ' s ancient rhyme . At the same time , it is also related to the famous works of Wang Yun , Su Ning Miao , Ding Haihuang and Ji Ning Li . He usually uses comparative method , analysis method and document textual research method to study the rhyme problems of rhyme and rhyme .
In the absence of definite theory , seeking truth from facts , aunt ' s lack of suspicion , reservation .
This paper tries to find out that there are more than twenty kinds of rhyme schemes , such as rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , rhyme , etc .
On the basis of the rhyme scheme of rhyme and rhyme , the author makes reference and mutual reference to the verse in the book .
Xu Han ' s ancient books of ancient books are carried out by means of rhyme training , and the knowledge of ancient sound and rhyme is a powerful tool of Xu Han ' s training and exploration of classical poetry .
There are 48 articles in Xu Hanzi ' s Xu Hanzi , which is based on the knowledge of ancient sound and rhyme , which is used to distinguish ancient and modern words and prove the loss in Zhang Yi ' s book . Xu Han ' s use of phonology , or correction of others ' mistake , or correction of the mistakes of ancient books , has been found , although the local collation is unknown , but its academic contribution is not underestimated .
In the Qing Dynasty , in addition to Qufu Confucius , the scholars of the North have not mastered the sound rhyme . Only Xu Han can learn the ancient classics and the ancient texts and study the ancient classics , which is the place where he is higher than his peers . Therefore , it is important to study the contribution of Xu Han phonology , whether it is a comprehensive summary of Xu Han ' s academic achievements or a whole understanding of the regional academic culture in the Qing Dynasty .
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