本文选题:佛教医学 + 词汇系统 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:佛教医学影响了中医学理论的发展,佛教医药内容以散见的形式存在于大藏经中“经、律、论”各典。中古时期的律典是僧团僧众生活和医药内容的集中反映,饮食起居、疾患诊治、身心修养等均有涉及,其中医药方面的词语更是具有较高的口语俗语研究价值。《四分律》是中古姚秦时期佛陀耶舍与竺佛念共译的大藏经律部经典之一,是中国律宗唯一遵循弘扬的戒律经典。本文选择《四分律》中的医药内容为研究对象,旨在对其中的佛医词汇作系统梳理,探索佛教医学内容的研究价值,为宗教医学词汇系统研究提供一定参考。 本文对《四分律》中佛教医药内容的语言特点进行系统分析,利用描写分析、对比研究、共时历时结合的研究方法全面考察《四分律》中217个佛教医学词语,包括疾病类词语、药物类词语、诊疗类词语以及病理生理类词语。重点对《四分律》中的疾病、药物类词语进行分类和描写,并结合其它汉译佛经及中土传世文献材料考释部分医学词语。通过系统研究总结归纳《四分律》佛教医学词汇及其特点并藉由5图11表直观呈现,以探讨佛教医学词汇与中土医学词汇两者之间的关系以及其中潜在的某些规律。 最后初步得出以下结论,即《四分律》佛教医学词汇中医学系统内部层级类别较齐全:佛教医学词汇具备一般专业领域词汇所具有的系统性、专业性和科学性,但由于佛经语言的特殊性(宗教性)和复杂性,部分佛教医学词汇有着明显的多义性;《四分律》中佛教医学词汇复音化现象显著,外来音译词数量可观;《四分律》佛教医学词汇的构成己然承用了汉语造词、构词的规律;通过与中土医学词语的对比,《四分律》佛教医学词汇具有同名同实、同名异实、异名同实、异形同实及借名赋义的语义特点;《四分律》佛教医学词汇特点的形成原因在于义素传递及语素重构。
[Abstract]:Buddhist medicine influenced the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and the content of Buddhist medicine existed in the form of "Sutra, Law, Theory" in Dazang Sutra. The law of the Middle Ancient period was a concentrated reflection of the life and medical contents of the monks, including food and drink, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, physical and mental accomplishment, etc. Among them, the words in medicine are of great value in the study of colloquial colloquial sayings. The Quadric Law is one of the scriptures of the great Tibetan scriptures which were co-translated by Buddha Yesher and Zhu Nian in the middle Yao and Qin dynasties, and the only precepts followed and carried forward by the Chinese Rhymology. This paper chooses the medicine content in the Quadric Law as the research object, aiming at systematically combing the Buddhist medical vocabulary, exploring the research value of the Buddhist medical content, and providing a certain reference for the systematic study of the religious medical vocabulary. This paper makes a systematic analysis of the linguistic characteristics of the contents of Buddhism medicine in the Quadric Law. By means of descriptive analysis, comparative study and synchronic and diachronic research, 217 Buddhist medical words, including the words of disease, are comprehensively investigated in the Quadric Law. Words such as medicine, diagnosis and treatment, and pathophysiology. This paper focuses on the classification and description of diseases and drugs in the Quadric Law, and explains some medical words in combination with other Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures and literature materials of the Middle Earth. This paper sums up and summarizes the Buddhist medical vocabulary and its characteristics through systematic research and presents them intuitively by 5 figures and 11 tables in order to explore the relationship between Buddhist medical vocabulary and middle earth medical vocabulary and some potential laws therein. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: the Buddhist medical vocabulary has the systematic, professional and scientific characteristics of the general professional domain, and the internal levels of the medical system are relatively complete, namely, the "Quadric Law", the "Quadric Law", the "Quadric Law" and the "Quadric Law". However, due to the particularity (religious nature) and complexity of Buddhist scriptures, some Buddhist medical words have obvious polysemy. The formation of Buddhist medical vocabulary follows the rule of Chinese word formation and word formation. By comparing with middle earth medical words, the < quadrilateral law > Buddhist medical vocabulary has the same name and the same reality, and the same name is different from each other. The semantic characteristics of synonymy, heteromorphism and synonym, and the formation of the characteristics of Buddhist medical vocabulary lie in the transfer of sememe and the reconstruction of morpheme.
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