本文选题:幽默言语 + 顺应论 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:幽默,作为一种语言现象,在生活中随处可见。20世纪初,中国学者林语堂首次将“幽默”一词引入中国,并赋予其这样的定义:“幽默是人们表达个人观点和真实世界的一种艺术形式。”也就是说,在交际中,幽默不仅是人们娱乐的工具,同时也唤起了人们更深层的思考。由此看来,幽默与语用有着密切的关系。 语用学家维索尔伦认作为一种社会行为,语言的使用应该和人类生活的社会、文化和认知等因素密切相关,语用学应该从社会的、文化的、认知的综合角度对语言现象进行综观研究,他提出的顺应论正迎合了这一需求。本论文正是在顺应论的理论框架下,选取中国情景喜剧《爱情公寓》和美国情景喜剧《老友记》为研究语料,在语料驱动、定性与定量相结合的方法下对其中的幽默言语进行对比分析。 笔者通过对中美情景喜剧中幽默言语进行对比研究,,研究发现如下:1.在中美情景喜剧,说话者产生的幽默言语具有一定的共同特征,即在产生幽默言语时,说话者均是在语音层面、词汇层面、句式层面、语篇层面和语用策略层面做出了语言选择;说话者之所以做出这样活那样的选择,都是为了顺应一定的交际世界(心智世界、社交世界和物理世界)中的相关因素;2.中美情景剧中的说话者产生的幽默言语同时也存在着差异,这主要表现在幽默功能上、幽默表现形式上、幽默风格上、幽默题材上差异等。基于对中美情景喜剧幽默言语进行对比研究,笔者旨在总结中美情景喜剧中说话者产生的幽默言语的共同特征,通过对这些特征的了解,语言学习者能够更好地理解欣赏幽默;找出中美情景喜剧中说话者产生幽默言语的差异之处,进一步探索社会、文化、认知等深层根源,从而更好地促进文化学习和跨文化交流。
[Abstract]:Humor, as a linguistic phenomenon, can be seen everywhere in life. In the early 20th century, Lin Yutang, a Chinese scholar, introduced the word "humor" to China for the first time. "humor is an artistic form in which people express their personal views and the real world." In other words, humor is not only a tool for entertainment, but also evokes deeper thinking. From this point of view, humor and pragmatics have a close relationship. As a kind of social behavior, pragmatics should be closely related to the social, cultural and cognitive factors of human life. Pragmatics should be based on social and cultural aspects. His theory of adaptation caters to this need. Based on the theory of adaptation theory, this thesis chooses the Chinese sitcom "Love apartment" and the American sitcom "Friends" as the research corpus, which is driven by the corpus. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used to compare and analyze the humorous speech. The author makes a contrastive study of humorous speech in Chinese and American sitcoms and finds that: 1. In Chinese and American sitcoms, the humorous speech produced by the speaker has some common characteristics, that is, when producing humorous speech, the speaker is at the phonetic level, the lexical level and the sentence level. Language choices are made at the discourse level and at the pragmatic level, and the speaker makes the choice in order to adapt to the relevant factors in a certain communicative world (mental world, social world and physical world). There are also differences in the humorous speech produced by the speakers in Chinese and American sitcom, which are mainly reflected in the function of humor, the form of humor, the style of humor, and the difference of humor subject matter and so on. Based on a comparative study of humorous speech in Chinese and American sitcoms, the author aims to summarize the common features of humorous speech produced by speakers in Chinese and American sitcoms, and through the understanding of these features, language learners can better understand and appreciate humor. To find out the differences in humorous speech between the speakers in Chinese and American sitcoms, and to explore the deep roots of society, culture, cognition and so on, so as to promote cultural learning and cross-cultural communication.
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