本文选题:罗曼·雅各布森 + 语言学 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:罗曼·雅各布森(Roman Jakobson,1896-1982)是20世纪著名的美籍俄裔语言学家、文艺理论家和符号学家。作为俄国形式主义、布拉格学派和纽约语言学小组的奠基人与领袖之一,他为20世纪人文科学的发展做出了巨大贡献,尤其在语言学和诗学领域取得了突出的成绩。 雅各布森诗学理论主要研究语言艺术相对于其他艺术和其他各种语言行为的特殊差异,而诗性功能理论是其核心和阐释“文学性”的钥匙。雅各布森对语言及其构成因素进行了重新评价,并在理论和实践两个层面上揭示了“诗之为诗”的内在生成机制,同时拓宽了我们对于诗歌和语言的理解。 因此,本论文以雅各布森诗学理论的核心部分诗性功能理论为理论基础,首先论述该理论的基础、形成过程及影响,然后围绕雅各布森诗性功能的定义中所蕴涵的诸重要概念展开,阐明“何为无意象诗”和“无意象诗何为”。在此基础上,以台湾诗人白灵和夏宇的两首无意象诗为例,尝试用雅各布森诗性功能理论进行从语音、语法到语义等诸多语言层而的分析,进一步揭示诗性功能的成因及其在无意象诗歌中的体现,并试图发掘出无意象诗歌的同构及其背后的语言共性和美学共性。 本论文希望通过对雅各布森诗性功能理论与实践的研究,以及在此基础上运用语言学手段对无意象诗歌进行细致的分析,加深我们对于语言与艺术的动态关系的理解,并重新确立雅各布森诗学思想对于这种认识的重要地位。尤其在近年来文学研究的语境下,雅各布森的诗性功能理论以及诗歌的多样化更加具有重要的理论和现实意义。
[Abstract]:Roman Jakobsonian (1896-1982) is a famous Russian-American linguist, literary theorist and semiotics in the 20th century. As one of the founders and leaders of Russian formalism, Prague School and New York linguistic Group, he made great contributions to the development of the humanities in the 20th century, especially in the field of linguistics and poetics. Jacobson's poetic theory mainly studies the special differences between the art of language and other kinds of language behaviors, and the theory of poetic function is the key to its interpretation of "literariness". Jacobson reevaluates language and its constituent factors, and reveals the inner mechanism of "poetry as poetry" at both theoretical and practical levels, and broadens our understanding of poetry and language at the same time. Therefore, this thesis is based on the theory of poetic function, which is the core part of Jacobson's theory of poetics. Firstly, it discusses the basis, formation process and influence of the theory. Then, by focusing on the important concepts contained in Jacobson's definition of poetic function, the author clarifies "what is a poem without imagery" and "what is a poem without image". On this basis, taking two imageless poems by Taiwanese poets Bai Ling and Xia Yu as examples, this paper attempts to use Jacobson's theory of poetic function to analyze many linguistic levels, from phonology, grammar to semantics, etc. This paper further reveals the causes of poetic function and its embodiment in unintentional poetry, and tries to find out the isomorphism and the linguistic and aesthetic generality behind it. This thesis hopes to deepen our understanding of the dynamic relationship between language and art through the study of Jacobson's poetic function theory and practice, and on the basis of the detailed analysis of imageless poetry by means of linguistics. And re-establish the important position of Jacobson's poetics to this understanding. Especially in the context of literary research in recent years, Jacobson's theory of poetic function and the diversification of poetry have more important theoretical and practical significance.
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