本文选题:颜色文化 + 中韩对比 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Whether from the perspective of cross-cultural communication or Chinese international education, the teaching of color culture is essential, because it is not only helpful for learners to strengthen their deep understanding of Chinese culture from the perspective of color culture. At the same time, we can understand the differences of different cultures through different cultures' understanding of the same color, so as to promote the communication between each other. This paper first briefly analyzes the similarities and differences of Chinese and Korean color cultures around the five main colors: red, yellow, white, black and green. Secondly, according to the difference of color culture between China and Korea, this paper analyzes the learning situation of Korean students in international Chinese teaching, and finally chooses the text of the textbook "Chinese course", "what color do you like" to carry on the teaching design, And this teaching design as a case study of color culture teaching. Although the position of color words and related culture teaching is not prominent in the whole international Chinese teaching, in fact, it is not only in the process of daily cross-cultural communication, but also in the process of deep cognition of different cultures. Color culture runs through all the time, which means that practitioners engaged in Chinese international education must begin with the nuances of teaching, and infiltrate the teaching of color culture into the contents of the teaching. In order to better achieve the fundamental goal of promoting different cultural exchanges.
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