本文选题:通信企业 + 广告宣传语 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:广告宣传语是通过各种传播媒体和招贴形式向公众介绍商品、文化、理念等服务内容的宣传语言的统称,是引起消费群体关注的最直接的方式。广告宣传语的灵魂要充分与社会群体相结合,要突出企业承载的文化底蕴和未来市场的发展动向。 随着通信行业的进步和发展,通信企业的服务在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,,而广告宣传语则成为通信企业各种宣传方式中最重要的表现形式,是企业对于受众群体购买欲的最有效最直接的冲击。国内关于通信企业广告宣传语的研究多是从广告学、传播学和营销学的角度进行的,鲜有从语言学角度进行的研究,本文从词汇、句法、修辞、语用、语义、认知等多个层面对通信企业广告宣传语进行了比较具体、全面的考察分析。 第一、综合运用语言学、广告学、传播学等相关学科的理论,从用词、句型句类、修辞手法等方面分析了通信企业广告宣传语在语言运用上的主要特点和功能。 第二、论文运用演绎法、归纳法对所收集的语料进行了全面的分类,为从社会语言学角度研究通信企业广告语的诸多特点与功能奠定基础。 第三、运用对比法将通信企业广告宣传语的语料分别进行共时和历时的比较,说明不同时期的广告宣传语的语言特点,指出社会发展的不同时期对于通信企业广告宣传语的语言结构和句式的特点、演变规律的影响。 第四、在社会语言学的视角下,针对不同年龄和身份的受众,进行关于通信企业广告宣传语理解程度与认可程度的分析研究,说明在言语交际中,受众的可接受程度对企业广告宣传语的产生和发展起到的至关重要的作用。 第五、通过对各类语料的分析研究,在语用学、语义学、社会语言学理论的支撑下,最终揭示出通信企业作为唯一一个可以提供沟通类产品的基础性服务的产业,通信企业的广告宣传语具有的特殊语言意义,并就通信企业广告宣传语存在的问题及相关处理策略进行了论析。 总之,本文从多个角度对通信企业广告宣传语进行考察,期望能为今后的研究者提供更多有价值的参考,为人们正确认识和洞察通信企业广告语提供帮助,为通信企业的广告宣传工作更符合大众需求,并达到产品推广的目的提出合理化建议,最终促使通信企业广告宣传语在国家通用语言文字规范下得以健康发展,并发挥其积极作用。
[Abstract]:Advertising language is the general term of advertising language which introduces the goods, culture, ideas and other service contents to the public through various communication media and poster forms. It is the most direct way to arouse the attention of consumer groups. The soul of advertising should be fully combined with social groups, and the cultural background of enterprises should be highlighted and the development trend of the future market should be emphasized. With the progress and development of the communication industry, the service of the communication enterprises is playing an increasingly important role in people's lives, and the advertising language has become the most important form of expression in all kinds of propaganda ways of the communication enterprises. It is the most effective and direct impact of the enterprise on the audience's desire to buy. Most of the research on the advertising language of communication enterprises is carried out from the perspectives of advertising, communication and marketing, but seldom from the perspective of linguistics. This paper focuses on vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric, pragmatics, semantics, etc. Cognitive and other aspects of the communication enterprise advertising language is more specific, comprehensive investigation and analysis. Firstly, the main features and functions of advertising language in communication enterprises are analyzed from the aspects of words, sentence types, rhetoric and so on, using the theories of linguistics, advertising and communication. Secondly, the thesis classifies the collected data by deductive method and inductive method, which lays a foundation for the study of the features and functions of advertising language in communication enterprises from the perspective of sociolinguistics. Thirdly, the comparative method is used to compare the synchronic and diachronic materials of the advertising language of the communication enterprises, to illustrate the linguistic characteristics of the advertising language in different periods. This paper points out the influence of different periods of social development on the language structure, sentence structure and evolution of advertising language in communication enterprises. Fourthly, from the perspective of sociolinguistics, this paper makes an analysis of the degree of understanding and recognition of advertising language in communication enterprises, aiming at the audiences of different ages and identities. The acceptability of the audience plays an important role in the production and development of advertising language. Fifth, through the analysis of all kinds of corpus, supported by the theories of pragmatics, semantics and sociolinguistics, it finally reveals that communication enterprises are the only industries that can provide basic services for communication products. This paper discusses the special linguistic meaning of the advertising language of the communication enterprises, and analyzes the problems existing in the advertising language of the communication enterprises and the relevant treatment strategies. In a word, this paper investigates the advertising language of communication enterprises from many angles, hoping to provide more valuable reference for researchers in the future and help people understand and insight into the advertising language of communication enterprises. In order to make the advertising work of the communication enterprises more in line with the public demand and to achieve the purpose of product promotion, it will finally promote the sound development of the advertising language of the communication enterprises under the national general language standard. And give play to its positive role.
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