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发布时间:2018-05-24 09:47

  本文选题:英语母语学习者 + 对外汉语 ; 参考:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:量词是汉藏语系特有的词类,在现代汉语中有独特的地位。名量词作为量词中使用频率高、用法复杂的一大类,其重要性自然不言而喻,也是对外汉语教学的一大难点。在教学大纲安排中,名量词的教学在初中级阶段已基本完成,然而在实际教学实践中,我们发现,中高级学习者习得汉语名量词的情况依然不容乐观。 现阶段名量词习得的研究已取得一定阶段性成果,但仍处于初探时期。本文借鉴前人的研究方法,并加以改进,将语料分析与问卷测试的研究方法相结合,选取英语为母语的学习者为调查对象,从量和质两方面着手,全面考察英语为母语学习者名量词使用总量、名量搭配丰富度、名量词各小类的习得难度差异、名量词相关偏误、学习者对名量词难度的主观判断等多方面的情况,填补了前人研究中的空白。 首先,笔者从南京大学美国CIEE项目6名中级水平的美国学生的课堂报告录音中转写出自然语料7万余字,经统计发现,一方面,使用数量上,语料中学习者使用的名量词共36个,总量偏少,仅占大纲规定名量词数的不到三分之一;另一方面,使用质量上,主要出现了名量词误用、缺失、冗余及与名量词搭配成分残缺或不当等几种偏误类型,其中“个”的泛化现象最为突出。这些统计结果反映出母语负迁移、目的语知识负迁移以及学习者回避、简化的学习策略对习得名量词的影响。 在此基础上,笔者又对南京大学海外教育学院的40名英语为母语的学习者进行了问卷测试,通过对测试结果进行统计分析发现:(1)学习者习得名量词基本与其汉语水平呈正相关,高级水平学习者在解决与名量词相关问题中的表现普遍优于初中级学习者。(2)学习者对于“一名多量”、“一量多名”的掌握情况并不理想,名量搭配的丰富度还不够,使用中还存在常用量词泛化、近义量词混淆等偏误,且某些偏误存在反复性。(3)名量词各小类的难度有差异,度量词、常用个体量词、集合量词习得情况较好,不定量词、借用量词和较晚出现、难度较大的个体量词、集合量词习得情况较差。(4)学习者对于名量词难度的主观判断与测试客观错误率基本一致,但也存在少量高估或低估难度的情况。 综合语料和问卷的分析结果,笔者认为影响英语为母语学习者习得汉语名量词的因素主要有英汉表量结构的差异、名量词本身的习得难度、学习者的汉语水平、名量词出现的频率、学习策略、学习环境等。 针对以上研究结论,笔者在教学中提出如下建议:英语为母语的学习者名量词的教学中应提倡分层次分阶段的教学思路;还应重视英汉对比的作用,重视近义量词和词源的分析,可适当采用图片教学法,并注意及时巩固复习。在教材编写上,要重视名量词注释的严谨性、科学性,还应增加近义量词的辨析和多种形式的练习。
[Abstract]:Quantifier is a special part of speech in Chinese-Tibetan language family and has a unique position in modern Chinese. As a kind of classifier with high frequency and complicated usage, the importance of nominal-classifier is self-evident, and it is also a big difficulty in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. In the syllabus arrangement, the teaching of noun classifiers has been basically completed in the early and middle stage. However, in the practical teaching practice, we find that the acquisition of Chinese nominal quantifiers by middle and advanced learners is still not optimistic. At present, the study of Noun quantifier acquisition has made some achievements, but it is still in the initial stage. Based on the previous research methods, this paper combines the research methods of corpus analysis and questionnaire test, and selects native English learners as the objects of investigation, starting from both quantitative and qualitative aspects. A comprehensive survey is made on the total amount of noun quantifiers used by native English learners, the abundance of nominative collocations, the differences in acquisition difficulty among different subcategories of noun classifiers, the related errors of nominal-classifiers, and the subjective judgment of the learners on the difficulty of nominal-quantifiers, and so on. Fill in the gaps in previous studies. First of all, the author transferred more than 70, 000 words of natural language data from the audio recording of the classroom report of six American students of the CIEE program of Nanjing University. On the one hand, the author found that, on the one hand, the number of words used was more than 70, 000 words. In the corpus, the total number of nominal-classifiers used by learners is 36, which is less than 1/3 of the total number of nominal-classifiers specified in the syllabus. On the other hand, in terms of the quality of use, there are mainly misuses of nominal-classifiers. Redundancy and incomplete or improper collocation with noun classifiers are some kinds of errors, among which the generalization of "individual" is the most prominent. These results reflect the effects of negative transfer of mother tongue, negative transfer of target language knowledge, and learners' avoidance and simplified learning strategies on the acquisition of nominal quantifiers. On this basis, the author also conducted a questionnaire test on 40 native English learners from the School of overseas Education of Nanjing University. Through the statistical analysis of the test results, it was found that the acquisition of noun quantifiers by the learners had a positive correlation with their Chinese proficiency. The performance of advanced level learners in solving the problems related to nominal quantifiers is generally better than that of junior and middle level learners.) the mastery of "one quantity and more names" is not satisfactory, and the richness of nominal-quantity collocation is not enough. There are also some errors such as generalization of commonly used classifiers, confusion of synonymous quantifiers, and some errors are different in different subcategories of classifiers, such as measuring words, commonly used individual classifiers, collective classifiers and so on. The learners' subjective judgment on the difficulty of nominal-classifier is basically consistent with the rate of objective error in testing, but there are a few cases of overestimation or underestimation of the difficulty. By synthesizing the data and the results of the questionnaire, the author thinks that the main factors affecting the acquisition of Chinese noun classifiers by native English learners are the differences in the structure of English and Chinese expressions, the difficulty in the acquisition of noun quantifiers themselves, and the learners' Chinese proficiency. The frequency of nominal quantifiers, learning strategies, learning environment and so on. In view of the above conclusions, the author puts forward the following suggestions: in the teaching of noun classifiers for native English learners, we should promote the idea of hierarchical and phased teaching, and attach importance to the role of English and Chinese contrast. We should pay attention to the analysis of synonyms and etymology, adopt the picture teaching method, and pay attention to the consolidation and review in time. In the compilation of teaching materials, attention should be paid to the rigor and scientificity of the annotation of nominal classifiers, and the differentiation of synonyms and the practice of various forms should be added.


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