本文选题:泰国和韩国学生 + 汉语学习 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国的对外汉语教学自开创至今已有60多年的历史。汉语教学领域也吸引着国内外学者的不断研究。其中,汉语学习动机研究是一直是学者们研究的热门话题。强烈的动机无疑是学好汉语,甚至是学好世界上任意一门语言的不二法门。有效地了解、激发和培养学生的动机可以使教师的教学和学生的学习事半功倍。因此,关于动机的研究一直处在不断的创新和发展之中。 国内外早期的动机研究大部分是基于Gardner的动机理论,为区分学生的语言学习动机提供了蓝本。然而,随着学生动机的多样化发展,Gardner的动机理论已经不能完全解释学生学习语言的动机所在,自我决定理论应运而生。内在动机、外在动机、无动机的划分为动机提供了新的角度。 自90年代后期,,自我决定理论引起了中国学者的广泛研究。然而,对自我决定的理论仅停留在了理论层面,后来虽有实践研究,但也大都是英语学习的研究,对汉语学习的自我决定动机研究少之又少;对不同国别学生汉语学习动机研究也仍然以Gardner的动机理论为基础的研究居多。因此,本文以Deci和Ryan的自我决定动机为理论基础,以Noels的语言学习倾向问卷为工具,以重庆高校的泰国、韩国留学生为调查对象,比较研究泰国和韩国留学生汉语学习自我决定动机的异同,并提出了提高留学生自我决定动机的建议。 研究发现:(1)泰国学生与韩国学生的内在动机都高于其外在动机,学生来中国学习汉语出于无动机的情况比较少。泰国学生的内、外在动机均高于韩国学生。(2)学生的汉语水平越高,内在动机越强烈。泰国不同水平学生的自我决定动机高于对应水平的韩国学生。泰国高级水平学生了解刺激动机最强烈,韩国高级水平的学生体验刺激动机最强烈;泰国初、中级水平学生体验刺激动机最强烈,韩国初、中级水平学生了解刺激动机最强烈。(3)两国不同汉语水平学生的动机均为内在动机大于外在动机,外在动机大于无动机。在六大动机方面,泰国高级水平学生与学生总体动机情况基本一致,韩国学生则是初、中级学生与总体动机情况基本相同。 最后本文提出了若干提高学生汉语学习自我决定动机的建议。本文希望该研究可以填补留学生汉语学习自我决定动机研究领域的空白。
[Abstract]:The teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in China has a history of more than 60 years. The Chinese language teaching field also attracts the domestic and foreign scholars' unceasing research. Among them, the study of Chinese learning motivation has been a hot topic for scholars. There is no doubt that the strong motivation is to learn Chinese well, or even to learn any language in the world. Understanding, arousing and cultivating students' motivation can make the teacher's teaching and students' learning double the result with half the effort. Therefore, the study of motivation has been in constant innovation and development. Most of the early researches on motivation at home and abroad are based on Gardner's motivation theory, which provides a blueprint for differentiating students' motivation in language learning. However, with the diversification of students' motivation, Gardner's motivation theory can no longer fully explain the motivation of students' language learning, so the theory of self-determination emerges as the times require. The division of internal motivation, extrinsic motivation and non-motivation provides a new angle for motivation. Since the late 1990 s, the theory of self-determination has aroused extensive research by Chinese scholars. However, the theory of self-decision has only stayed at the theoretical level. Although there have been practical studies, most of them are the study of English learning, and the study of self-deterministic motivation in Chinese learning is rare. The study of Chinese learning motivation of students from different countries is still based on Gardner's motivation theory. Therefore, based on Deci and Ryan's self-deterministic motivation, Noels's language learning tendency questionnaire is used as a tool, and Thai and Korean students from Chongqing universities are investigated. This paper makes a comparative study of the similarities and differences between Thai and Korean students' self-determining motivation in Chinese learning, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the self-deterministic motivation of foreign students. The study found that both Thai students and Korean students have higher intrinsic motivation than their extrinsic motivation. The higher the level of Chinese, the stronger the intrinsic motivation of Thai students. Thai students at different levels of self-determination motivation than the corresponding level of Korean students. Thailand senior level students understand the stimulation motivation is the strongest, South Korean senior level students experience stimulation motivation is the strongest; Thailand early, intermediate level students experience stimulation motivation is the strongest, South Korea early, The motivation of middle level students with different levels of Chinese is greater than that of extrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation is greater than that of non-motivation. In terms of the six major motivations, the overall motivation of Thai advanced level students and students is basically the same, Korean students is the beginning, middle students and the overall motivation situation is basically the same. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve students' self-determining motivation in Chinese learning. This paper hopes that this study can fill the blank in the field of self-deterministic motivation of Chinese learning for foreign students.
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