19世纪文献《学徒知己(En(?)s-ul (?)lib(?)n)》的形态研究
本文选题:察哈台维吾尔语 + 《学徒知己(Enis-ul ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:十三世纪以后,居住在今天山南北和中亚地区操突厥语族语言的部族和部落,广泛使用一种以古代维吾尔语基础上,阿拉伯语和波斯语影响下形成的语言。根据文献记载这种语言被称为“突厥语”或“喀什噶尔语”。这种语言最初是在察哈台及其后裔统治的地区形成的,所以又称为“察哈台语”。十五、十六世纪以后,术赤后裔所统治的中亚西北部、南俄草原和帖木儿后裔所统治的今阿富汗、伊朗东部及东北部、印度地区的突厥诸族也使用过察哈台维吾尔语语。 维吾尔族对察哈台维吾尔语的形成与发展起到重要作用,甚至二十世纪三十年代以前,他们已经使用这种语言。用这种语言写下了大量文献的内容涉及到政治、经济、文学艺术、历史、哲学、宗教、法律、道德、民族、语言、医药卫生、地理、天文、历法等著多方面。其类型有手抄本、石印本、铅印本等几种类型。 察哈台维吾尔语作为回鹘语的后身和现代维吾尔语的前身,其在当代维吾尔语的形成与发展过程起了不可缺少的作用。根据有关现代维吾尔语研究,我们可以发现现代维吾尔语的语言成分,即语音、词汇、语法等方面与察哈台维吾尔语是一脉相承的。因此,深入学习和研究察哈台维吾尔语对研究现代维吾尔语的形成及发展起着非常重要的作用。最重要的是,在进一步了解和阐释回鹘语、察哈台维吾尔语以及现代维吾尔语的相互继承关系时,深入研究察哈台维吾尔语是必经之路。 众所周知,维吾尔语属于黏着语,它的形态变化极为复杂和丰富。察哈台维吾尔语作为现代维吾尔语的前身,它及其相关文献的形态变化,对于现代维吾尔语语法研究具有重要的参考价值。 《学徒知己(Enis-ul Talibin)》作为19世纪察哈台维吾尔语的文献,该作品在突厥语言研究领域中具有较高的研究价值。从这部作品的内容来看,其深受伊斯兰教的影响,因此也就带有了浓厚的宗教色彩。 本文选择用《学徒知己(Enis-ul Talibin)》为研究材料,重点描述文献名词类词语的形态特征。解读、转写、翻译文献及其编辑文献小词典是本文研究中的重要一项。 本文分为三章即由绪论、正文、结论等三部分组成。第一章绪论部分主要介绍了文献的作者、文献收藏情况、文献摘要、国内外研究状况以及文献的研究意义等。第二章主要是《学徒知己(Enis-ul Talibin)》的转写、翻译。第三章中论述文献的语言特点,即名词类词语的形态学意义。最后是词汇表,结论部分主要指出了本文研究的突破点及其不足之处。
[Abstract]:After the thirteenth century, the tribes and tribes that speak Turkic languages in the north and south of Tianshan and Central Asia widely used a language formed under the influence of Arabic and Persian on the basis of ancient Uyghur. According to the literature, this language is called Turkic or Kashgar. This language was originally formed in the area ruled by Chaharti and its descendants, so it is also known as "Chahathian." After the 15th and 16th centuries, the Turkic ethnic groups in India also spoke Chahati Uygur language in northwestern Central Asia under the rule of warch descendants, in modern Afghanistan, in eastern and northeastern Iran, and in India, where the southern Russian steppe and Timur descendants ruled. Uyghurs played an important role in the formation and development of the Chahatai Uygur language, which they used even before the 1930s. In this language, a great deal of literature has been written about politics, economics, literature and art, history, philosophy, religion, law, morality, nationality, language, medicine and health, geography, astronomy, calendars, etc. Its type has the handwritten copy, the stone printing, the lead printing and so on several types. As the hindquarters of Uighur language and the predecessor of modern Uygur language, Chahatai Uygur language plays an indispensable role in the formation and development of contemporary Uygur language. According to the research on modern Uygur language, we can find that the language components of modern Uygur language, that is, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and so on, are in the same lineage with the Chaha'tai Uygur language. Therefore, it is very important to study the formation and development of modern Uygur language. The most important thing is to further understand and explain the Uygur language, Chahatai Uygur language and the modern Uygur language inheritance relationship, in-depth study of the Chahatai Uygur language is the only way. As we all know, Uygur is a kind of adhesive language, and its morphological changes are very complex and rich. As the predecessor of the modern Uygur language, Chahatai Uygur language and its related literature have changed in form. It has important reference value for the study of modern Uygur grammar. "Enis-ul Talibiner" as a document of Chaha'tai Uygur language in the 19th century, this work has high research value in the field of Turkic language research. From the content of this work, it is deeply influenced by Islam, so it has a strong religious color. In this paper, we choose Enis-ul Talibiner as the research material to describe the morphological characteristics of noun words in the literature. To interpret, translate, translate and edit the literature is an important part of this thesis. This article is divided into three chapters: introduction, text, conclusion and other three parts. The first chapter introduces the author, the collection, the abstracts, the research situation and the significance of the literature. The second chapter is the translation of Enis-ul Talibin. The third chapter discusses the linguistic characteristics of the literature, that is, the morphological meaning of noun words. Finally, the glossary, the conclusion part mainly points out the breakthrough point and its deficiency of this paper.
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