本文选题:中原油田 + 言语社区 ; 参考:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:河南省濮阳市(中原油田)居民的语言变异较大,本文以中原油田为个案,以社会语言学变异理论为指导,采用城市语言调查方法,综合分析语言变项的内部和外部(社会)因素,调查研究工业化过程中语言变异现象,从中总结规律,并窥探语言接触所引发的语言变化机制。并且,本文采用Goldvarb2001软件对影响语言变项的内部和外部(社会)因素进行变项规则分析,得出影响因素的作用值,使得结果更加科学。 第一章绪论先介绍了社会语言学与工业区语言变异的关系,并分析总结了国内外工业区语言变异研究的现状与发展趋势,说明了本文的研究内容、意义及具体的研究方法。 第二章介绍了中原油田言语社区的概况及选择中原油田作为研究对象的原因,然后系统介绍了调查方案,即确立因变项和自变项、编制问卷、通过问卷调查和录音访谈进行田野调查。 第三章主要针对中原油田语音变项进行探讨分析。先介绍语音语料的处理方法为变项规则分析法,然后具体分析语音变项(包括声母变项和韵母变项)的变异情况,最后总结语音的变异特点是油田人的语音逐渐向普通话的读音演变,演变原因有普通话声望的提高、初始状态中企业职工的文化素质、教育水平的提高、大众媒体的影响、油田人对待普通话的态度。 第四章主要针对中原油田词汇变项进行探讨分析。先介绍处理词汇语料的方法为变项规则分析法,接着具体分析词汇变项的变异情况,本文从中选出了时间词汇、饮食词汇、服饰词汇、亲属词汇四类进行研究,然后总结词汇变项的变异特点是从第一代到第三代,中原油田人使用的词汇逐渐向普通话词汇靠拢。方言词汇明显减少,南方词汇在北方有扩大趋势,发现部分词汇有新、老派使用的差异,最后分析变异原因是普通话声望的提高、初始状态中企业职工的文化素质、教育水平的提高、大众媒体的影响、油田人对待普通话的态度、社会经济文化的发展,人们的心理因素这几个方面。 文章最后总结了本文对中原油田语音、词汇研究的结果和不足。
[Abstract]:The population of Puyang City (Zhongyuan Oilfield) in Henan Province has great language variation. This paper takes the Zhongyuan Oilfield as a case, takes the sociolinguistic variation theory as the guide, and adopts the method of urban language investigation. By synthetically analyzing the internal and external (social) factors of language variables, this paper investigates and studies the phenomenon of language variation in the process of industrialization, summarizes the rules and explores the mechanism of language change caused by language contact. In this paper, Goldvarb2001 software is used to analyze the internal and external (social) factors affecting language variables, and the value of the influencing factors is obtained, which makes the results more scientific. The first chapter introduces the relationship between sociolinguistics and industrial zone language variation, analyzes and summarizes the present situation and development trend of industrial zone language variation research at home and abroad, and explains the content, significance and specific research methods of this paper. The second chapter introduces the general situation of the speech community in Zhongyuan Oilfield and the reasons for choosing Zhongyuan Oilfield as the research object, and then systematically introduces the investigation scheme, that is, to establish the cause variables and self-variables, and to compile the questionnaire. Field survey was carried out by questionnaire survey and recorded interview. The third chapter mainly discusses and analyzes the phonological variables in Zhongyuan Oilfield. This paper first introduces the processing method of speech corpus is variable rule analysis, and then analyzes the variation of phonological variables (including consonant variable and vowel variable). Finally, it summarizes the characteristics of phonetic variation, which is the evolution of pronunciation from oilfield people to Putonghua, which is caused by the improvement of reputation of Putonghua, the cultural quality of enterprise workers in the initial state, the improvement of education level, and the influence of mass media. The attitude of oilfield people towards Mandarin. In the fourth chapter, the lexical variables of Zhongyuan Oilfield are discussed and analyzed. The method of dealing with lexical corpus is the method of variable rule analysis, and then the variation of lexical variables is analyzed, from which four categories of time vocabulary, diet vocabulary, dress vocabulary and relative vocabulary are selected for study. Then the variation characteristics of lexical variables are summarized: from the first generation to the third generation, the vocabulary used by the people in Zhongyuan Oilfield is gradually approaching to the Putonghua vocabulary. The dialect vocabulary is obviously reduced, the southern vocabulary has a tendency to expand in the north, and some words are found to have new and old-school differences. Finally, the reasons for the variation are the improvement of the reputation of Putonghua and the cultural quality of the employees in the initial state. The improvement of education level, the influence of mass media, the attitude of oilfield people towards Putonghua, the development of social economy and culture, and the psychological factors of people. Finally, the paper summarizes the results and shortcomings of the research on pronunciation and vocabulary in Zhongyuan Oilfield.
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