《人貌传》(Kiyafet-ul Beser)句法特征研究
[Abstract]:From the middle of the 14th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Chahatai Uygur is a common language used by Uygur and Uzbek Turkic-speaking peoples living in the Western region and Central Asia. The language plays an undeniable role in the development of Xinjiang and Central Asian cultures. The language is used to write literature, religion, history, and other fields of work. Although some of the works were lost for various reasons, most of the valuable works have been handed down to this day. From the middle of the 14th century to the 20th century, the study on the history and culture, language and literature, religious belief and folk customs in the Western region of Central Asia is of great value. As an extension of the ancient Uygur language, Chahatai Uygur language is the predecessor of the modern Uygur language. It can be said that it plays a key role in the development of Uygur language. The development of Chahatai Uygur language is generally divided into three stages in the academic circles of our country, that is, the early Chahatai Uygur language stage and the late Chahatai Uygur language stage. The literature I studied belongs to the late Chahatai Uygur language period, which ranges from the beginning of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The syntactic feature of this period is that while using Navayi language, the components of ancient Uygur language are decreasing day by day, and the vocabulary and the expression characteristics of spoken language permeate the Chaha'tai Uygur language to varying degrees. The evolution of Chahatai Uygur language to modern Uygur language plays an important role in the colloquialization of literary language, and the characteristics of this change are especially remarkable in the third stage. Kiyafet-ul Beser is the most typical work of the oriental ethnologists in the long study of personality, and it is also one of the precious language materials for the study of Chahatai Uygur language. It mainly includes the contents related to psychology, and the author thinks that human nature and physical features are closely related. Great achievements have been made in the field of psychology and (Physiognomy). People's personality and mental state can be judged by their facial expression, figure, cheek, hands and feet, beard, hair and so on, and different kinds of people can be inferred. In my opinion, by studying this literature, we can infer people's view and understanding of psychology at that time. So far, the study of syntactic features of Kiyafet-ul Beser is still a blank stage, so the study of this paper is of great value to the study of the development and evolution of Chaha'tai Uygur language. This paper chooses Chahatai Uygur as the language material, focusing on the main syntactic features of the language, such as phrases and sentences. The translation, translation and editing of this document is an important part of this paper. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into three chapters. The introduction part mainly introduces the collection situation, the research situation and the research significance of the literature. The first chapter is mainly about the transliteration, the original narration and the translation of the literature, the second chapter is the syntactic research of the literature, namely, the phrase research, the third chapter is the sentence analysis, the appendix is the small dictionary, which is one of the innovations of this paper. The conclusion part mainly points out the breakthrough point and its deficiency of this paper.
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