[Abstract]:Based on the study of synonym ontology and the characteristics of foreign students' acquisition of synonyms, this paper analyzes the synonyms such as "like", "like" and "like" in order to find out the differences between them. Hope to better guide language practice and provide valuable reference for teaching Chinese synonyms as a foreign language. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, which describes the basis and research value of the topic, summarizes the previous studies, including the study of synonym ontology and the study of "like" words, and points out the source of the corpus. Research ideas and methods. The second part is grammatical analysis, from syntactic function, grammatical structure and co-occurrence. We find that "like" can be used as predicate, with complement and object, and can be collocated with adverbs of degree of various orders of magnitude, and the time domain covered can be long or short, and the stability is low. "like" as predicate, attributive ability is stronger, and degree adverb, frequency adverb collocation ability is lower. The ability of "like" as predicate and object is strong and can only be collocated with the high order of degree adverb, and the adverb without frequency has longer time domain and higher stability. The ability of "hobby" as subject and object is relatively strong; it can be collocated with degree adverbs of high and super order of magnitude; the adverbs that can not be expressed frequently are more stable. "like" and "like" belong to "emotion", but "like" and "hobby" belong to "meaning and action", which are strong dynamic. The third part is semantic analysis. This part sums up the semantic evolution of the four words from a diachronic point of view and analyzes their synchronic semantic differences. In ancient times, "like" did more adjectives than verbs, and served only as predicates. Love is a verb that acts as a predicate. "like" the use of low frequency, the use of ancient and modern basically similar. In modern Chinese, the semantic focus of "like" is on morpheme "like", "like" on morpheme "love", and "like" and "hobby" on morpheme "h 脿 o". According to sememe analysis, "like", "like" and "like" all have a "habit or inclination" meaning, and the value of "positive emotion" has been weakened. The subject of "hobby" must be human; "like" still has a certain degree of meaning; "like" itself has positive emotion, and the object must be moderately positive. The fourth part is pragmatic analysis. In stylistic selection, the four words are mostly used in literary and technical style, slightly more in spoken language than in speech style, and both "like" and "like" are highly written and colloquial. Moreover, the proportion of spoken language is larger; "like" and "like" tend to be written; in the choice of sentence category, the word "like" has its own emphasis. In subjective and objective aspects, "like" is highly subjective, "like" and "like" are strong and objective. The fifth part is the error teaching research. It is found that the errors of foreign students in the use of "like" words are often manifested in part of speech confusion, misuse of dynamic auxiliary words and complements, improper collocation, indiscernibility of context and semantic differences, etc. Combined with the causes of errors, this paper puts forward some simple teaching suggestions. The sixth part is the conclusion, summarizes the full text basic content.
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