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发布时间:2018-08-18 09:24
【摘要】:在汉语作为第二语言习得的过程中,汉语习得者最大的困难之一就是汉语写作。汉语教学其中的一个主要目的是为了让学生能自如的运用汉语与人沟通和交流,能清晰的表达自己的想法,这不仅仅只限于口头表达,也包括书面表达。基于计算机写作指的是运用计算机文字处理软件直接撰写文稿。众所周知,计算机和互联网能为习得者的写作提供丰富的资源,在汉语的写作过程中使用计算机能帮助减少汉语写作的困难,因此关于如何在汉语写作教学中使用计算机这一问题受到了国内外汉语教师越来越多的关注。尽管如此,关于汉语习得者基于计算机写作和基于纸笔写作的复杂性以及他们如何通过这两种写作模式提高他们的写作水平等方面的现行研究还比较欠缺。本文比较了初级阶段和中级阶段汉语习得者运用这两种写作模式,通过分析他们的写作偏误对他们如何提高写作水平进行了调查研究。 本文结合了定性方法和定量方法来检验受调查者的汉语写作。调查旨在检验受调查者对于汉语写作所持的观念和看法以及对于基于计算机写作和基于纸笔写作这两种写作模式所持的态度。共有60名初级水平的汉语习得者和13名中级水平的汉语习得者参与了此次调查。研究从汉字方面的偏误来检验他们的写作水平。 调查数据表明参与调查的学生们将汉语写作看做是“汉字书写”,而基于汉字习得的难度,他们认为运用电脑打字会使他们在写作方面表现得更好,配对t检验结果也表明计算机写作对参与者的汉字拼写错误有所帮助。另外通过分析汉字偏误和笔画偏误,笔者鉴定了汉字书写的三个发展阶段:拼音的拼写、笔画形状和汉字构造规律的认知、发音与汉字的匹配。 本文通过运用新的方法来检验汉语习得者的写作,对于对外汉语写作教学有所启发。同时,调查研究发现基于计算机的写作有利于汉语习得者写出正确的汉字。最后,本文还指出了汉语写作的其他重要方面,包括了语法、体裁、素材,这些因素同样影响了汉语习得者的汉语写作。
[Abstract]:In the process of Chinese as a second language acquisition, one of the biggest difficulties for Chinese learners is Chinese writing. One of the main purposes of Chinese teaching is to enable students to communicate and communicate freely with others, and to express their ideas clearly. This is not only limited to oral expression, but also includes written expression. Computer-based writing refers to the use of computer word processing software to write directly. As we all know, computers and the Internet can provide abundant resources for learners to write, and the use of computers in the process of writing in Chinese can help to reduce the difficulty of writing in Chinese. Therefore, Chinese teachers at home and abroad pay more and more attention to how to use computer in Chinese writing teaching. However, the current researches on the complexity of computer based writing and paper-based writing of Chinese learners and how they can improve their writing ability through these two writing models are still lacking. This paper compares the use of these two writing patterns between primary and intermediate Chinese learners, and investigates how they can improve their writing proficiency by analyzing their writing errors. This paper combines qualitative and quantitative methods to test the subjects'Chinese writing. The purpose of the study was to examine the attitudes of the respondents to Chinese writing and to the two writing patterns: computer based writing and paper and pen based writing. A total of 60 junior and 13 intermediate Chinese learners participated in the survey. The study tests their writing ability from the errors in Chinese characters. The survey data showed that students in the survey regarded Chinese writing as "writing Chinese characters," and because of the difficulty of acquiring Chinese characters, they thought that using computer typing would make them perform better in writing. The paired t test also showed that computer writing was helpful for spelling errors in Chinese characters. In addition, by analyzing the errors of Chinese characters and strokes, the author identifies the three stages of the development of Chinese character writing: spelling of Pinyin, cognition of stroke shape and law of Chinese character construction, matching of pronunciation and Chinese character. This paper uses a new method to test the writing of Chinese learners, which enlightens the teaching of writing as a foreign language. At the same time, it is found that computer-based writing is helpful for Chinese learners to write correct Chinese characters. Finally, this paper points out other important aspects of Chinese writing, including grammar, genre and material, which also affect Chinese learners' writing.


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